1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser624007
Edison Nation


I submitted my idea in January of 2014 and was shocked to see a product almost exactly like it on a commercial just a couple of days ago. I logged back into my account and took screen shots of my submission so I would have proof of the date I submitted it, just in case Edison Nation tries to delete my account. My idea was called "facestamps" and I suggested that they would go well with hot huez. I will admit that my thought was for the face and the product they made is what I suggested but they are for the hair. I still believe they copied my idea and changed it slightly. Jonathan Smith who created "bed lifts" originally had the idea of lights being inside the lifts and not of plugs being on the side. He claims Edison Nation took his idea and made it better. The people who are successful on Edison Nation must either know someone in the company or Edison Nation just feels they must allow a few people to win for the company to appear legit. I will say that it does seem like most of the ideas that have been stolen were submitted to the "As Seen on TV" searches. Being successful with my product would have been very rewarding for me, especially because I am a mother of four beautiful children. I am so so disappointed with the fact that I wasted so much time and money on Edison Nation and all I got in return was my idea being stolen. Please see the video I submitted to them a year ago which I have now uploaded to youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fIzwmcgsv4
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