14 Jul, 2021 → by ClaimboUser790393
Corporate donations


As your records will show, we have been loyal Toyota customers, leasing vehicles since 2008. We were excited to lease our 2019 Toyota Hybrid Highlander from the Herb Chambers Boston dealership and have been taking our car to the service department for regular maintenance since then. We really like our Highlander it's one of the best cars we have ever owned! With our kids off to college, we test drove and had planned to order the Rav4 Prime when our lease ends in October. However, recent news about political donations by your US parent company has led us to conclude that we will NOT replace our Highlander at the end of our lease with another Toyota car. According to Axios, Toyota leads in corporate giving to congressional Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election. Even more appalling, is the response (as cited in Axios) from a Toyota spokesperson when asked about these donations: "We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification. . . Based on our thorough review, we decided against giving to some members who, through their statements and actions, undermine the legitimacy of our elections and institutions." We cannot buy products from any company that believes that a vote by a politician to overturn a free and fair election is not sufficient to stop giving to that politician. If that vote had been successful, the very foundation of our democratic government would have been destroyed. Toyotas donations provide Republicans the resources they need to continue attacking our voting rights and suppressing our grassroots power. Were calling on Toyota to pledge to NEVER again give donations to these Republicans and oppose the deadly actions they took to undermine the legitimacy of our elections and democratic institutions. We urge you to consider how upset good and loyal customers, like us, care about Toyotas disregard for our fundamental democratic principles. Your actions must speak louder than words and your weak retraction of this appalling position. Until then, we will NOT buy another Toyota or service it at one of your dealerships. Sincerely, Linda F Southworth Brookline, MA
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