18 Oct, 2011 → by ClaimboUser225014
Clear Networks, Clear is right “Its Clear, It Sucks”

I contracted with Clear last Fall (2010) The setup was at best a cluster from ***. The rep was a bumbling ***. He did not know the product, the service, the prices, or even who to call to help with the setup in the field. We ended up completely scratching the service and starting over with the "right' product with another Rep. He was slick but he knew not much more than the first and we got re-directed to a level 5-star gold-plated self winding out of state tech support that knew everything and guaranteed even more than that. We got the phones working finally (Note they are fuilfilled by a seperate operation called Ring Central that is clueless to the other fulfillment branch: the internet service. We started using the service and the conection was slow as Christmas though it had been touted to be faster than a T1. (BS) Th service dropped no fewere than 6 times in a 4 1/2 hour period. I called and complained and said this cant be the service for me..They kept trying to tweek the connections and finally the salesman said he was going out of state to do somethig else. Sell burial plots I think. And then I called a support team that said they would send me out a mailing label to send all the equipment back to Clear. I finally out of complete despair said OK you have wasted a lot of my time and I am billing you $500 and hour as a consultant. If you want your equipment send me a check for 30 hours at $500/ hour and I will send you the *** back. I am judgment proof so I dont give a *** whether they get this stuff back or not. An indonesian attendant finally admitted today that my address was right att he edge of the service area and I probably wodl not get good serice. Well gee whiz!??? DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH anything this company has. Where it got any funding to do anything on the magnitude it seems they are trying is anyones guess but they are a company getting ready to go out of business and fast!! Do not delay getting a good phone and internet connection from a reputable company by signign up with Clear. Clear is right! Its Clear It SUCKS!
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