12 Aug, 2021 → by ClaimboUser191912
Candy crush & candy crush soda saga


I would like to bring to your attention your games are scamming people and you need to get it under control. You're taking people's money and it needs to stop. I've lost a least $20 maybe more, I think I've calculated at least that much. I'll select $1.99 for 10 "bars" and only receive 5 or sometimes none at all and have to hit it again. At this point I'm fed up! You need to please respond to my inquiry and fix the issue. Additionally, I would like some refund or some sort of compensation for this issue. If not people should really be aware of what your company is doing to people. I enjoy you game(s) but honestly I suppose my choice is to quit, obviously. But I also feel it's my obligation to bring to light what you're doing to people. I can't imagine what some poor sap is spending/ losing on a daily basis from you. At least I can afford it but I bet there are many who can't. You should feel shame. Again, I hope you take my inquiry seriously and do something about this issue. Thank you.
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