1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser257472
cancelled flights 4 months ago refused refund


This is my experience of booking with holiday Mood Ltd, I have never been treated so disgustingly nor had this happen to me before. You may find the details of the EC Regulations and the the authorities I contacted within the email I sent to Holiday Mood Ltd useful if this happens to you. I booked my flights on 18th March 2012 at a cost of £633.78, and only found out on the 25th July that they had been cancelled 4 months ago and Holiday Mood Ltd Failed to inform me of this cancellation. I was told that the name of the manager I was speaking to was Shaker but this later changed to Allen, I believe that they are the same person and he just changed his name. Here is my eMail Thank you for sending me those re-routed flights but they are not "comparable transport conditions" (under the EC Regulations 261/2004, Article 8) compared to my original booking. The man I spoke with today told me his name was Shaker and not Allen, was it you I spoke with or Shaker or are you in fact the same person? These flights you have now provided are for 2 stops (4 stops return) PLUS 13.5 hours waiting for connecting flights in Amsterdam and Bangkok and at inconvenient times (Article 5 (ii)). I booked and paid for my flights with you 5 months ago, so I received a good price and convenient flying times. I booked 1 stop flights with connecting flights only in Bangkok for 1 hour for both departure and return = 2 hours in total for connecting flights. I booked and paid for my return flights 5 months ago and you have had my money ever since. PLUS the flights have been cancelled for 4 months now and you failed to inform me of this at any time, and as you now know, I telephoned Eva Air on 25th July 2012 to make sure my bookings were confirmed, and this is when I was informed by Eva Air they had been cancelled on 27th April 2012 and all "tour operators" (Article 2) had been informed of this, but as my "tour operator" you failed to inform me of this, and would have been quite happy to allow me to travel all the way to Heathrow Airport knowing full well I would have no flight to board (Article 5). I clearly stated my re-routing "choice" (Article 8) on the telephone to Shaker this morning after looking on Holiday Mood's website last night and today, when I tried to find "comparable transport conditions" on your website to my original booking with you: Outbound QF3502 6th August 2012 - Depart 2205 PG0277 7th August 2012 - Depart 1655 Return PG0278 1st September - Depart 1910 QF3501 - 2nd September - Depart 0020 These flights are still available for anyone to book on your website all day today, and I have kept evidence of this availability and the dates. These flights with Qantas ARE "comparable transport conditions" to my original booking, and should have been booked for me this morning. The Civil Aviation Authority informed me that the re-routing of my flights should be at YOUR cost and NOT mine as I booked my flights with you as my "tour operator" (Article 2), and you failed to inform me that my flights had been cancelled 4 months ago on 27th April 2012. After numerous telephone calls to Holiday Mood today, inconveniently while I was at work, and after telephone calls that were not returned, and after I had spoken to IATA and the Civil Aviation Authority, I sent you an email with details of what the Aviation Authority informed me of regarding the EC Regulations and your "obligation" to me as my "tour operator". Shaker then telephoned me and I informed him of what the Civil Aviation Authority had advised me to tell him, but he started to continually shout at me and was very angry. I had to ask him to stop shouting at me, that I was just passing on what the Civil Aviation Authority had informed me of concerning my legal rights as a consumer. That all I wanted was the Qantas flights booked for me (re-routing) and was he going to do that. Shaker said that I was NOT entitled to re-routing at their own cost and that I HAD to pay the difference between £633.78 (the cost of my original booking) and £1, 706.59 (the cost of re-routing my flights with Holiday Mood Qantas flights at "comparable transport conditions"), this extra charge would have totalled £1, 072.81. This is not in-line with the EC Regulations 261/2004, and I am NOT responsible for this extra sum of money, this is why EC Regulations were set-up in the first place, to protect consumers like me. I tried explain to Shaker what the Civil Aviation Authority had told me but he just kept shouting at me and shouting over me, he was not interested in what I had to say, and I was no further forward than where I was first thing this morning, and I still have not had my flights re-routed appropriately. Shaker kept shouting that he did not know the law and to stop quoting the law to him, that he would pass my email on to his legal department. I tried to tell him that I was just informing him of what I had been advised by the Civil Aviation Authority, and reminded him that I had been patient all day, but I still had no re-routing flights booked for me, of which would have been at "earliest opportunity" (Article 7). I then asked Shaker for the legal department's telephone number so I could speak with them directly, but he refused to give me the telephone number and said, "they don't have a telephone" and I "COULDN'T speak to them", and that they would contact me via email. I was getting nowhere and just being shouted at so I finally asked him if he was going to re-route my cancelled flights to the Qantas flights and he said NO YOU HAVE TO PAY THE EXTRA!!! This now results in the fact that you still have my money for flights I booked and paid for in good faith 5 months ago (18th March) and no "comparable transport conditions" being offered to me after my flights were cancelled 4 months ago, and I am supposed to fly in 11 days for a 27 day holiday, and I no longer trust you as a "tour operator". I will be speaking with the Civil Aviation Authority, ATOL, IATA and Consumer Direct again tomorrow to continue to receive legal advice on a full refund plus the compensatory amount of money the Civil Aviation Authority informed me of today, to be able to rebook my flights with another company, as you have refused and failed to provide "comparable transport conditions" on the destinations and connecting flights I originally booked with you 5 months ago. As you know, flights on my original booking dates, times and connecting flights are now fully booked or cost £1, 706.59 and over. I look forward to hearing back from you tomorrow (27th July) with a mutual satisfactory quote of a full refund plus compensatory monies due to me, due to your failures as my "tour operator" concerning my original confirmed booking (and eTicket), failing to inform me that my flights were cancelled 4 months ago, and a very distressing 48 hours thus far. Please also note, I have not received one apology for the distress you have unnecessarily caused me, and the shouting I had to endure from Shaker today was both distressing and disgusting. It is now the 28th July 2012 and I have heard nothing back from Holiday Mood Ltd and I have received no refund or compensation. Please be aware that Holiday Mood Ltd also trades under the following company names: Holiday Mood Ltd ATOL Number: 5934 Address: 66 Park Way Ruislip Middlesex HA4 8NR Telephone:[protected] Web Sites: www.aerobookers.net www.africanmood.co.uk www.airtravelexperts.co.uk www.dubaimood.co.uk www.flights4australia.co.uk www.flights4capetown.co.uk www.flights4dubai.co.uk www.flights4johannesburg.co.uk www.flightsmood.com www.holidaymood.co.uk www.indianmood.co.uk www.jumeirahbeachdubai.co.uk www.omanmood.co.uk www.ozzymood.co.uk Trading Names: Aerobookers African Mood Air Travel Experts Brazilian Mood Dubai Mood Flight Mood Flights4Australia Flights4CapeTown Flights4Dubai Flights4Johannesburg Holiday Mood Indian Mood Oman Mood Ozzy Mood Thai Mood
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