1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser954222
broadband internet service & false info by reliance customer service


Customer id : [protected] Name : kartik iyengar Reliance team, My internet is not working since 4th aug 2016 and I have raised multiple complaint nukbers [protected] - [protected] - [protected] - [protected]. As usual customer service promised a 24 hour tat for resolution. The customer service representative informed me that the ticket is closed. How can any complaint closed with user confirmation is beyond my understanding. This ticket was reopened again and assurance given on a call back and 24 hour resolution tat, again!!! I have written to nodal officers @, their telephone lines go unanswered. I have been trying to reach out to nodal officer line @ 020 [protected] for past 4 days and no answer. So I believe like everythign else the number published is also false on the rcom website. There is no ownership, customer service agents are rude and the last agent I spoke to informed me his supervisor is not available till 3 pm and I should call back after that time to speak to him and even supervisor would give same answer as the agent. This is the level of service agents you are hiring which is quite appalling. Reminder 14... Day 16.. Internet still not working.. The only thing that reliance is doing right is sending me ticket numbers and closing them as duplicate ticket... But none of you people are bothered to resolve the actual issue. Internet still not working. I know this email will be converted to another email with a statement that my inconvenience is regretted and that issue witll be resolved in next 24 hours :).. Please tell me there are actual humans reading this email and robots because there should be atleast 1% of collective empathy. This is status of 2016 March - 7 days no connection April - 13 days no connection May - 8 days no connection June - 16 days no connection July - 9 days no connection August - 15 days no connection. ; Review the number of times I have called reliance service desk over the course of 5 years that I have been a customer and you will understand my frustration. I am using reliance broadband and datacard, but the only common factor is the standard of service which is getting poorer by the day. Some female from bill collection department starts threatening for delay in bill payment and the language used was absolutely trash. If such calls are recorded at your end, you should play it and ask yourself if this is valid for a customer who has not delayed any bills on 5 years and now doing so because of lack of service. Hope you understand that such harassment would hold in consumer court and not worth anyone’s time/money to pursue this. Please let me know if internet is going to be recovered (Ever) for me and what are you doing to ensure that we have 30 days of non-stop service without any interruptions.
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