8 Sep, 2021 → by ClaimboUser908988
3 year contract that I was not told about
john Brinkman and Anthony Smith signs me up for a $173 contract not disclosing that it is a 3 year contract and then raises the monthly payments on me to over $500 per month. I call in to cancel and they tell me that I have signed a 3 year contract and there is a $2700 cancellation fee. They sent me a sheet of paper via docusign with going over it with me and I AM SURE THAT I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS BEEN DECEIVED LIKE THIS. I will seek legal action and try to open a class action if this is not resolved . I already have new bins at my property at 8102 Compton Ave Los Angeles CA 90001 and I want them removed now. Please let me know if you would like to resolve this as I know there are many attorneys willing to take this case on. Thank you! Cheers, Gene