6 May, 2016 → by ClaimboUser968541
100% refund is a SCAM and LOW QUALITY WORK!!!

I have used the services for some time now for a friend (no, seriously) who didn't want to open his own account. The work has always been low quality - received low pass marks and sometimes even failed. However, my friend did not mind because he just wanted the papers written (without doing it himself) and as most of them passed he did not care of the grade. This time around I needed help myself because there was a lot on my plate and I needed someone to help me out a bit.. after all they offer a FULL refund if you are not satisfied, right?! (no, *** no) This is long, so here's a quick overview: they provided me with very low quality work, that would never in a million years pass. Took a mick with revision, the writer was obviously not serious. I asked for a refund and found out the full refund policy is a SCAM! On their website refund policy: They promise to sent a pdf file (which is the only time you can get a 100% refund) and then when you approve send a doc file (on which you can only get a refund up to 30%), however, they have NEVER sent me a pdf file first. Also the support team confirmed that they always send a doc file straight away (no pdf at all). The dispute team told me you cannot get a full refund after they have 'provided the service' (sent you the paper), hence you cannot actually get a 100% refund if not satisfied. Long, detailed version: So, I received my paper within the time limit I had paid for (they don't miss deadlines to be fair). Went through it and it was RUBISH! Very low quality, not any valuable information, just fluff to fill the pages. That would have been a miserable fail at the level I asked (would have been amazing at secondary school level, I am sure). I was getting the paper for ideas and guide (honestly), but needless to say it was useless piece of.. sheet.Act2: I asked for revision (I wanted a refund which I expressed in my response to the writer, but though to give it another go). I told him to base the discussion on facts and figures, also made it clear that I was not happy with the WHOLE paper. I bought an example what to add to one of the sections (as facts and figures) to have an overall idea what I was expecting. The writer literary added ONE figure (unreferenced), and only changed the section I had brought the example of. Also told me that I had asked for a discussion and that is what he delivered. I mean, I PAID YOU, you done a TERRIBLE job and think this is the time to be sassy?! To which I respond that I also clarified the level of proficiency and this work was nowhere near that level. Act3: I went to ask for a refund and support team informed me I needed to have 2 revision completed before I can ask for that. I obviously had not yet wasted enough time on this. So I send it to be changed again, this time gave a much more detailed outline of what I expected (I was pretty much writing it myself at this point). So this person, the writer, has the guts to ask me for an EXTRA payment because he had written more pages I had paid for (by following the guide I had sent). So I asked to see the pages I HAD paid for, and if I was happy with them (hahahaha) I would pay the extra and receive the rest. Guess what, I was NOT happy. He had copy pasted a section twice to fill the pages, they had included references within the page count, and to be honest I could have reduced a whole paragraph into 1-2 sentences. Very little value on the writing, and that 'value' was still not of quality. Even though I had listed questions he needed to answer, but apparently that was a bit hard to understand still. So I ask for a refund again, and the support team informs me that I need 2-3 revisions to be completed to get a refund. They tried to convince me that I HAD to get it revised once more to qualify for a refund. I explained them of course that I had 2 revisions done which falls in the limit of 2-3, so.. ?? but then they tell me as I had not paid for the full paper (the extra payment) I cannot yet ask for a refund. Yes, they wanted me to pay MORE for a paper I was not happy with!!!!! We came to a solution (because I refused to pay more): I had to ask the writer to revise the paper back to the page limit I had paid for etc. Still bad of course after that revision if not worse, so finally I went ahead and asked for a refund. Gave them plenty of reasons. Even added my chapter of what the work should have looked like. Partly so they can see that the writers work was indeed very low quality and partly to show that I had not used that work.. at all (I am not trying to fail you know). Act4: refund team informs me I can only get maximum refund of 30% plus 10% discount. (they also gave me an option to get it written by another writer, oh thank you so much)So I ask for explanation, because I did not need it written any more (had already written most of it myself which is what I should have done to begin with). Also I was not that excited about that discount.. it's not as I was going to use their services again. So they told me (I got a response after a very long wait and actually had finished my work and more) I CANNOT get a full refund because they had already 'provided the service'!!! oh and that part of it was done right.Ohhhkay! NONE of it was done right. In fact they should pay me for WAISTING MY TIME! What do I look like I just give money for people to write *** papers that are of no use to me? So I went to their website, it says there:1) they are supposed to send you a pdf file (that you cannot print or copy) on what you can ask for revisions. Once you are happy with the writing you can 'approve' and receive the doc file. 2) 100% refund is ONLY available on the pdf file. Once you have received the doc file you can only get up to 30% discount. They NEVER send you a pdf file!!!!!!! They have always sent the doc file straight away. I talked to the support team who also confirmed, that they ALWAYS send the doc file straight away, to make it easier for the customer (yeah, to make it easier for us). When I asked them to explain why it says something else on the website, the support person kept going circles and not properly answering my questions. The FULL REFUND is SCAM!!! You can never get a full refund because you are never sent a pdf file. The support also told me that I can in fact get a full refund on the doc file if the dispute department decides so. Except that they (dispute dep) told me I cannot get a refund because the service has already been provided for me. So how am I supposed to ask for a refund otherwise? How am I meant to review my order and decide whether I am satisfied if I have not been provided the service? How can I ask for revisions if I have not been provided the service? LIES! You see how they just try to trick me? Anyway, I have emailed back with asking them to explain me their website, support team claims and what they themselves are saying. Let's see how this plays out! DO NOT USE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This rant is of better quality than their essays!
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