Dear. Management, replace salesman, 20-year-old, arrogant employee
Dear. Management, replace the salesman, a 20-year-old, bloated employee, where he does not know what is respect for the customer, what is customer service! Diemzel's name is no longer remembered. course, about the pizza campaign, which was posted on the website. 5x I said I didn't mix anything, but I caught a chicken, stayed with my. That I'm confusing something! A pizza baker vsp someone gay stood out,dress on a woman's back. And a dry slow motion for today's 20+ generation. Teach your employees basic work skills and respect for class! Something unseen. This' the seller, made me feel as if I were serving him, not the other way around. When I reprimanded her for allowing too much, she replied to me that she didn't have the slightest poony to answer my questions. When I asked for baking or pizza for a long time, Si - exclaimed that she could guess. + I also talked a lot about absolutely not talking about it. I don't categorically recommend Lulu on the seashore Gatves in Canberra