I ordered 3 identical sofas from the online store www. 21. 07. 2020. I paid in full immediately. Initially promised home delivery in 4-6 weeks. It took 6 weeks, the product was not delivered. 17. 09. we called the phone number indicated in the online store to ask why the product is not yet. In the answer I received that the product is ready and is loaded in Poland on 23. 09 and will be in the warehouse in Mackay with them already on 25. 09. I'm waiting again... nothing. 29. 09 call again. Answer that tomorrow is the fastest loading and on Friday 02. 10 will be in stock. I began to sense that these were just empty promises. I called again the same day because I read on the Internet that he had not cooperated with a furniture factory in Poland for some time. During the conversation I asked his name and surname, but I didn't get that answer,because, as he claims, such information is not disclosed (in my opinion, if you have cooperated with people and traded goods, then the name should not be secret). We call again 03. 10. says that there is no encouraging news, because the product has not yet accumulated, as well as to my question whether the product is made at all with a dubious voice answered that in principle, according to the documents, the product is ready. 05. 10 call again, this time saying that waiting for a response from the delivery of goods for the loading process and that the loading of the goods is scheduled for this day and will call me back when I have received some information. It also did not call back. 09. 10. says that unfortunately the product is not loaded and the next flight is scheduled for 15. 10. and this time already claiming that my order unfortunately is NOT even made yet, but is the same product only in other colors. On the same day I filled in and sent the order rejection,to return the money. The document states that the money must be returned within 30 working days. He repeatedly replies that he is waiting for an answer from accounting. Of course, it is already clear that he will drag the money back to the last, just like ordering furniture. Simply put, it's unlikely you'll be refunded.