Find out how ScandinavianBank is forcing it to turn to the gray economic zone
The following is the case - how many others in Europe have unpaid debts due during the crisis. from the performer's point of view. Ultimately, the bailiff sent an order to ScandinavianBank stating that any funds in my account in excess of the minimum wage per month must be transferred to the bailiff's account. Dzena. It would be so straightforward, and for me, as a person with debts, it would be even more convenient, everything happens automatically as a non-automatic payment. Unfortunately, it seems that ScandinavianBank "brakes" suffering from intellectual impotence syndrome - instead ofIn order to ensure the fulfillment of these restrictions, ScandinavianBank blocks the account in such a way that I can no longer perform any operations in the Internet bank within the set restrictions. In other words, it is no longer possible to settle monthly invoices in this situation in ScandinavianBank's Internet bank. But for me, as a self-employed person, this is important - the possibility of settling money also remotely. ScandinavianBank replies that the bailiff's orders are like a law for them, but explain why the bank interprets these orders, that even within the set limits, the bank, they say, additionally "cuts the oxygen". for its part, it is simply unable to do so on the pretext that ScandinavianBank has not developed a solution (it has been said more than a year ago) and that it is thinking how to solve it.and so ScandinavianBank is still thinking about today, but there has been no thinking about thinking yet. What would make any qualified programmer work in a relatively uncomplicated way, namely, to make improvements in ScandinavianBank's Internet bank so that the customer could still reach the monthly limit set by the bailiff. To perform any operations with their funds in the Internet bank, ScandinavianBank's representatives are able to reach the peaks of the digital age that are inaccessible to their minds. In a word, I used to have the best thoughts about this bank, now I believe this office is sinking into stagnation and there are a number of institutions that receive unreasonably high salaries and do nothing. As a result of ScandinavianBank's action-policy (which in itself does not solve anything like this), a situation develops, that the bank itself encourages its customers to turn to the gray business sector (to say the least - it enters there with its own power), where transactions are arranged from hand to hand, the bank's business activities without even involving the customer at least, but forcing it!