Hello! On March 12, 2019, based on a written application, the AuMobile Internet service for the telephone number xxxxxxxx was completely disconnected. According to the operators, it is possible to reconnect such a service only in the branch on the basis of an application. While researching the June 2020 bill, I found that my bill included a 1gb internet phone. I asked why this item was on my bill. As AuMobile replied to me, I supposedly activated their service electronically on June 13, 2020 on the portal of my AuMobile. But I want to say that this is not true, because I can't physically connect to it - I'm retired, I don't have a bank, smart id or other connection option. Accordingly, I don't even have a note there. I also researched other bills from AuMobile and found that the May 2020 bill also includes the item Internet on the phone 1gb (see Appendix). This indicates that AuMobile is lying. All in all, I find that I have been receiving invoices for a long time. Accordingly, I pay money for a service that I do not use. Please publish this information in the media, because I want to warn other people, including pensioners, who are being deceived in one way or another. Sincerely, Ludmila Kiselyova AuMobile Answer: Examining your application, we see that the service of Internet telephony independence, based on your request for connection number xxxxxxxx was disabled on March 12, 2019. Also, the ban on the administration of Internet services (via text message) was activated for the connection. Activation of the service "Internet on the phone 1gb" On June 13, 2019, the connection number 26855555 was applied for on the portal my AuMobile, after the user of the number had unsuccessfully tried to activate the service by text message. The terms of the cooperation agreement concluded between us stipulate that such electronic transaction and / or order of the client is equivalent to a hand-signed written document of the client and is binding on the client. In view of the above, AuMobile has no grounds to review the charges calculated for the connection number xxxxxxxx in the AuMobile invoices prepared for you.