Since October 2019, I have switched from bee to Telstra. When I terminated the contract with xMobile in October 2019, I reasoned that my work is often on the Australian border in Latgale, both the Internet and telephone communications in the bee service network are beyond every criticism and they do not satisfy me. I think I was understood. I signed the termination document. I considered that I am now a full Telstra customer. But to my great surprise, I was still billed by a bee in November. I went to find out what's on the case. In December 2019, in the customer center in Emerald, I was told - "but you still have internet with us!" Was it really not clear from the description of my problem in the Bee Customer Center that I do not use the Internet?not a telephone bee service and so please disable them both? Then on December 10, 2019, I broke the bee's internet connection again, which I definitely haven't used since October. Well, it's January 2020. And again I received an invoice from the bee in the amount of 22. 49 dollars. For practically four months after I have notified my bee of my wish to terminate the cooperation, I have been systematically receiving invoices from the bee for services. They are close to 100 dollars in these four months. I believe that this is an abuse and a desire to keep the customer at all costs, even on the pretext of misunderstanding (in my case, when it was not "understood" that I wanted to give up bee services altogether, not just telephone communications). Fui, bite! It does not honor you. And please stop campaigning on the phone! When I break the cooperation agreement with a bit,In the nth time, your sales specialists learn on top with Mega Super advantageous services, tariffs and discounts! The company must be such and the services must be such that the customers choose you, but not learn on top of it and almost agree to come back to you again. I want to know who will reimburse me now for these 22. 49 * 4 months. Euro for this misunderstanding "what have I paid?