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Complaints & Reviews — Aloe Care
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It is more about the nurses of Kempsey Hospital / Children's Department. Because they accept patients, are placed in wards. Give medicine and the rest. First of all, it was not logical to place a girl with some stomach virus next to an infant 10 months old who has a completely different diagnosis. Well the chambers seem to be separate, but still together, because the doors go out together. Well, then we brought home from this girl's stomach a virus that was already bothering the already afflicted girl and two other small children. Second, do not follow the doctor's instructions. Respectively, in our case, the doctor sent us home provided to inject antibiotics through the catheter before leaving. Instead, the nurses removed the catheter and gave the antibiotics in the same dish, saying: give when you walk away. Well, of course, the doctor was not satisfied with such incompetence. Thirdly, a very unpleasant attitude from several nurses. And I wasn't the first to face it. My relative was led to tears in the children's ward of Kempsey Hospital. It's already a fuss for the baby and a plus yet with little or no ride. I would not like to return to Kempsey Hospital. For the second time I will face a negative attitude here. I wish Kempsey Hospital to change something so that these nurses would be happy to work and not have to put everything to patients. And there's nothing else to talk about.