1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser377805
rosie galarza is selfish and money hungry


Property manager Rosie GaLarza is selfish and money hungry to rent to anybody with screening them, She rents to convicted felons, criminals and people who got evictions on their record.Rosie GaLarza don't consider peoples feelings!!! She is rude, disrespectful, unprofessional and smart-mouthed!!! When a tenant tells her their problem, She disrespects the tenants!!! In August 2018, Black female tenants threatened to beat Rosie GaLarza down, because she was not taking care of things at Kilbourn Commons.The tenants who lived inside Kilbourn Commons complained to her boss Darnell Williams about her wrongdoing and her wrongful actions!!! Darnell Williams talked to Rosie GaLarza about the complaints that he getting from the tenants about her, Darnell told her that he's gonna put her somewhere else in a different apartment building, Darnell hired Phillip Bowers as the new apartment property manager at Kilbourn Commons to take care and to resolve things at the apartment building.
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