1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser534466
unclaimed money recovery


Money Catch camouflaging as http://www.unclaimedmoneyagentslicencecheck.world/ https://moneycatch.com.au This is something I feel merits looking at. See, unlike the business owner of Money Catch, I am an actual *ing Private Investigator (the kind that doesn't wave their credentials around in a completely different industry as if it means something). See how this 'Unclaimed Money Agents Licence Check' apparently looks legit (though it certainly doesn't sound legit) impartial, seemingly government owned or at the very least accredited. Well...it bloody well isn't. In fact, there isn't a single certification on that website that wasn't self awarded or pulled out of their arise. That's right; the entire thing is built on complete and utter nonsense. Thin air. Smoke and Mirrors. Now, why am I pointing all this out on a review about Money Catch? That is a very good question... You see, I was doing a little investigation of my own into an industry that my wife has recently been hoping to join as a business owner. It seemed almost impossible to look past the 'Unclaimed Money Agents License Check', so I naturally gave it a once over and was pleasantly amused to discover that this agent check site that my wife was wondering about was in fact nothing more than a privately website with an official look and a lot of ambiguously placed content that alludes to being official but cleverly falls short of actually stating that as fact. On this website is a neat little page that seemingly warns against joining the Unclaimed Money Industry, linking me to a variety of interesting company names and numbers of businesses that have allegedly closed shop. Unclaimed Money Agents Licence Check suggests I call them to see why they stopped business...interesting to very subtly dissuade future business owners from setting up in the industry they apparently regulate and rank. I was tempted to call some of the numbers provided...but I was starting to get an all too familiar hunch that the books were being cooked. After taking a quick gander at their rankings, I quickly realized that literally NONE of the Money Recovery Agencies listed scored more than a single solitary star in their FIVE STAR RANKINGS...none that is...except one. Money Catch. Funny, this agency seemed to tick all the boxes and more! Where dozens of other sites were listed as dubious or shady or, dare I say it, unqualified, Money Catch is provided as a shining FIVE STAR example of what a Money Recovery Agency ought to be...hmmm. Now, I may be unqualified...after all, I am only a Private Investigator with a further three years in private security, five years in the NSW Police Force. But...WHAT...IF...Money Catch and the Unclaimed...is owned by the SAME person!? *AND THE CROWD LOSES THEIR FRIG GEN MINDS!!!* It would be like Nike buying a review company (in this case, the ONLY review company in the industry) and having them slander literally everyone else in the market place except Nike...which they naturally award a stunning 10/10 across the board. So not only is this company dishing out bogus rankings and misleading people into thinking they are actually qualified to be doing the job they set out to do, but they are slandering existing agencies, dissuading future businesses and propping up a company more likely than not (let's get real, I know damn well it actually is owned by the owner of Money Catch) owned by the same person! It's beyond conniving, it's bloody insulting; I mean; only one company out of dozens is legit...REALLY!??? Realllllllllllllly!???? Anyways, long story short, let's call a spade a spade and call Money Catch and it's associated 'Unclaimed Money Agents License Check' what it is; a genius play to scam an entire industry into submission. There's my two cents; needless to say, if my wife does go ahead and try starting up her own agency, I certainly won't be taking any crap from the owner of these two businesses. Damning is the only word I'll say. Damning as ****
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