11 Mar, 2020 → by ClaimboUser821685
Vitacost does not Set and Save

With regard to the history of my calls to Vitacost, one of their representatives tried to be helpful, one was rude and unhelpful, and the last one simply cancelled my participation in what turned out to be a sales trick rather than an actual service, which was not provided as promised. A company that sells a service it has no intention of providing lacks integrity. It’s not illegal to be unethical. The Set and Save program is sold to customers who expect the service to actually set aside product and deliver it, not cancel it. They make up for the “save” portion of that program by rather overcharging on their shipping fees (AllStar health is less expensive with regard to shipping) but this was not unexpected and I thought the products and service well worth what I was paying for them. Since the service doesn’t actually exist, it wasn’t worth paying anything for the times it actually did deliver. When I wasn’t using Set and Save, I could stock up and reorder on my own long before I ran out. Vitacost is a huge corporation and can afford to undercut prices on products which happen to be medically necessary for me. I have a sensitivity to quaternium and other substances that cause severe and painful eczema. It flares with most soaps, shampoos, face creams. There were no substitutes for me. I depended on that program to stay supplied with items that are difficult to find elsewhere and not locally available. Every time they cancelled, I lost access to soap. It was clear from talking to their representatives that this was a nonissue for them. The company will not backorder for any reason. Vitacost can pretty much do whatever it wants without having to honor any commitments it has made. I’m still purchasing from them, for example. I still need these difficult to find products. AllStar Health doesn’t carry all of them, though they offer better discounts on many of the name brand vitamin supplements. When it comes to soap products, I haven’t found an equivalent source. I don’t expect Vitacost never to be out of stock on these items, but that’s what the Set and Save program implies, regardless of any disclaimers that may exist in the fine print. It’s an intentional sales strategy that encourages investment and guarantees loss - not of money but of value. No matter how much the merchandise itself may be worth, it’s worthless to you and the company is valueless to you if it’s not delivered and you can’t use it. User's recommendation: The Set and Save Service Vitacost claims to provide does not actually exist.
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