18 Sep, 2019 → by ClaimboUser551439
What kind of nonsense is this??


On Monday, my gas service was shut off which I realize is totally my fault. On Tuesday, I got paid so I immediately made the payment before noon I might add, and was promised that it would be on sometime Tuesday and that they would call when they were on the way. I waited all day, wasted my entire day off and at 8:30pm I went to bed because I had to get up at 4am for work. I get up this morning to go to work and there is a Dominion tag on the door that said that they were here at 930pm. So I asked my daughter if she heard anybody ring the bell. She said yes and I think it might have been the gas company but the truck was parked way down the street so I wasn't sure it was for us or if they were at someone else's house. so no phone call, and they guy parks down the street. Why wouldn't you park in front of my house so that I know it is you and not some serial killer. This is 2019, you cannot expect someone to answer the door late at night and not know who is on the other side. I get to work and the first thing I do is call to see when someone can come out. They tell me Thursday between 8-noon. I am like why not today? It is not like I missed the appointment, the stupid tech didn't even call and parked down the street like a shady *** She says, "Oh I apologize but since you missed the appointment there is nothing I can do." Wait... What?? I am like I have three kids that are gonna come home from school smelling like a dirty gym sock and you are telling me even though I never got a phone call, and he did not properly identify himself that I have to wait another day?? So now I have to take the day off of work, and lose money sitting around waiting for this dummy to actually show up.
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