14 Aug, 2018 → by ClaimboUser20161
First Data. Scammed. 36 Month Contract Resulting from Misinformation


I spoke with a business consultant on Tuesday, August 7 and expressed the need to be able to process checks. I explained that I have several customers in Puerto Rico who prepay for items manufactured in my business. Although Puerto Rico falls under United States laws, I would like to eliminate the risk of shipping completed items overseas, not knowing first if a check will clear. Anytime an item goes overseas, no matter who the country is governed by, due to ocean freight shipping rates, it can be costly to recover them. Since I have clients who want to send checks, I would like to be able to process those checks. The business consultant I spoke with offered up the Clover Mini device, stating I would simply use the device to take a snapshot of the checks and the checks could be processed. This business consultant provided me with a contract to sign to lease the equipment for 36 months. When I received the equipment, I downloaded a Telecheck app, as previously instructed. When using the Telecheck app, I found that the equipment, as shipped, would not work if the customer is not present. I would need a scanner to go along with the equipment. I called the number on the screen of the device to request that scanner. I was told, "This is Telecheck support, you need to speak with First Data Leasing". First Data Leasing seemed confused and said the device should simply take a snapshot of the check. I went through what the device screen indicated. I was then transferred to another department within First Data who offered me the scanner for around $250 or $25 per month. I said I should not have to pay additional costs because I communicated my needs to my Business Consultant, who did not disclose to me that I needed this additional component. I was told to contact my Business Consultant's department. I previously emailed her, but received no response throughout the day and I had lost her number. I was given a number to her supervisor, whom I left a message for. I called back to the equipment ordering department again and this time, I was quoted over $450 for the scanner with no option of a monthly lease. I was rudely told this is firm and I am required to pay. It got late in the afternoon, so I stopped calling. This morning, I boxed up the equipment and inquired about sending it back. I called First Data Leasing, who got me back in touch with the Business Consultant's supervisor, who said the Business Consultant would be providing information on how to return the equipment. After not hearing back, the entire day, and still not having the business consultant's phone number, I contacted First Data Leasing again. I was told I could return the equipment within 60 days but I would need to speak with a Client Engagement department. The Client Engagement department advised that I am obligated to this contract regardless of whether or not it was communicated to me that I would need to spend money on the additional component to go with the device to scan checks. The client engagement department would not provide information on how to return the machine. I now have this machine packaged and ready to return. No one will tell me who to send it to. The representatives I speak with tell me that I am obligated to the contract, although the machine does not meet my needs and it wasn't communicated to me that I am required to pay over $450 for an additional component to make the machine function as I need it to. First Data has scammed me into this 36 month contract by not communicating to me that I need the additional component to process checks that are mailed to me from a company overseas. Other consumers need to beware of them. It seems to me that once my signature hit that contract, all customer service diminished. Now, the only communication I receive from them is how I am obligated to this contract and can't get out of it. This equipment is difficult to us and essentially useless to me and they won't even let me return it, gloating that they have me obligated to a contract.
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