25 Feb, 2021 → by ClaimboUser419934
Unprofessional Campbell Property Manager


Campbell Property Management placed a Property Manager on our site; located at Condo Association of Lakeside Village in Palm Springs, FL. This Property Manager assigned is CURRENTLY INTERFERING IN OUR BOARD ELECTION!!! Four (4) Residents, one of which is a CURRENT BOARD MEMBER, went to Campbell Property Management Corporate Headquarters to speak to the Chief Operating Officer to inform him of the following on the morning of February 22, 2021 which was Monday. NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN IN REGARDS TO THIS MATTER AT THIS TIME. Residents WHO HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE have been informed, while other Residents actual heard in his own voice that he wants TWO (2) BOARD MEMBERS REMOVED. This Property Manager gave the Residents NO EXPLANATION WHY!?! He spoke their ACTUAL NAMES ANGRILY and LOUDLY. No One understands why this subject even came up, for this Property Manager was not asked anything that prompted such a response. The TWO (2) BOARD MEMBERS that this Property Manager assigned to our site by Campbell Property Management specifically mentioned are CURRENTLY RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION. The TWO (2) BOARD MEMBERS mentioned are currently EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS, THE TREASURER and THE SECRETARY OF OUR BOARD. Currently have a BOARD MEMBER CHARGED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA, for BATTERY I believe, in the Court System at this time. This Property Manager DID NOT say anything about wanting this BOARD MEMBER REMOVED to any of the Residents. I do have the Case Number. Currently have a BOARD MEMBER that several Residents have filed VARIOUS TYPES OF POLICE REPORTS in regards to his actions with our LOCAL PALM SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT. The complaints range from RACIAL SLURS, DISCRIMINATORY REMARKS, SEXUAL INNUENDOS, ANIMAL ABUSE, ATTEMPTED EXTORTION, THREATS TO KILL, and so on. This Property Manager DID NOT say anything about wanting this BOARD MEMBER REMOVED to any of the Residents. There are quite a few complaints located at this Police Department. Currently have a BOARD MEMBER that Residents have also filed VARIOUS TYPES OF POLICE REPORTS in regards to his actions or lack of actions with Residents, such as creating and encouraging a very HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT in our community thus violating several FL Statutes and even Federal Codes. This Property Manager DID NOT say anything about wanting this BOARD MEMBER REMOVED to any of the Residents. Have other BOARD MEMBERS who consistently BREACH THEIR FUDICIARY DUTIES to the Residents by way of Personal Vendettas, Favoritism and through Selective Enforcement. It is very obvious on which BOARD MEMBERS are involved in these FUDICIARY DUTIES BREACHES. This Property Manager DID NOT say anything about wanting any of these BOARD MEMBERS REMOVED to any of the Residents. In my opinion I clearly see that this Property Manager APPEARS TO BE INSTIGATING A PERSONAL VENDETTA against THE BOARD MEMBERS WHO DO NOT SUPPORT what he wishes to do, while PLAYING FAVORITISM with THE BOARD MEMBERS WHO DO SUPPORT him. Otherwise, how else can you logically explain why HE IS VOICING HIS OPINION IN REGARDS TO THE BOARD MEMBERS THAT HE WANTS To be REMOVED BUT NOT OTHERS. Why is this Property Manager even giving his PERSONAL OPINION to Residents that is CLEARLY BIASED ABOUT PARTICULAR BOARD MEMBERS? This Property Manager should be remaining NEUTRAL and IMPARTIAL, especially during a BOARD ELECTION. He is NOT remaining Neutral and Impartial!!! I DO NOT think that this Condo Property Manager understands this; otherwise he would NOT be committing BOARD ELECTION INTERFERENCE by stating his opinion of wanting particular BOARD MEMBERS REMOVED during a CURRENT ELECTION. He has also BREACHED HIS FUDICIARY DUTIES to the Residents in how he DISRESPECTS them and behaves very UNPROFESSIONAL with them in various ways. This is UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. Instead a very HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT on the *** of explosiveness has been created within our Community among our Residents. Residents who have never said a word about anything are now angry. Something needs to be done ASAP, such as removing this Property Manager now! The role of a FL Condo Property Manager is to resolve all disputes without having them escalate to a legal stage, something this one is clearly not doing at our location. In fact, he is perhaps even creating a legal issue because of his BOARD ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Many Residents are already looking into that possibility at this moment, but no decision has currently been decided. Meanwhile, while Campbell Property Management Chief Operating Officer has been fully informed of this situation, he has chosen to let this Property Manger remain at our location thus continuing his INTERFERENCE with our BOARD ELECTION along with his DISRESPECT and UNPROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE within our ELDERLY Community. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!! A fiduciary duty may be implied in law, regardless of whether contractual relations or formal writings exist or a statute imposes such a duty, when one party relies on another to act on the party's behalf and to look out for its best interests. 468.4334Professional practice standards; liability. (1) A community association manager or a community association management firm is deemed to act as agent on behalf of a community association as principal within the scope of authority authorized by a written contract or under this chapter. A community association manager and a community association management firm shall discharge duties performed on behalf of the association as authorized by this chapter loyally, skillfully, and diligently; dealing honestly and fairly; in good faith; with care and full disclosure to the community association; accounting for all funds; and not charging unreasonable or excessive fees. (2)(a) A contract between a community association and a community association manager or a contract between a community association and a community association management firm may provide that the community association indemnifies and holds harmless the community association manager and the community association management firm for ordinary negligence resulting from the manager or management firms act or omission that is the result of an instruction or direction of the community association. This paragraph does not preclude any other negotiated indemnity or hold harmless provision. (b) Indemnification under paragraph (a) may not cover any act or omission that violates a criminal law; derives an improper personal benefit, either directly or indirectly; is grossly negligent; or is reckless, is in bad faith, is with malicious purpose, or is in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human rights, safety, or property. User's recommendation: RUN AWAY VERY FAST.
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