27 Jan, 2009 → by ClaimboUser707211
Ben Donley Ripped Me Off

Ben has screwed me out of so much money and time, I will be uploading all the emails to show the world what a thief and *** artist he is and if anyone who is *** is planning on doing business with him, he throws words around like *** etc when dealing with you, in fact, here is the email in which he states that so there are no misunderstandings, and this was after I waited 7 months for an incomplete website in which he stated it would be done in 3 weeks and then I fired him after he demanded I prepay him for his late work, and when he didn't deliver on the date promised, I fired him: "I cant believe what a *** *** you are. I never set up any accounts for you. I TOLD YOU TO SET UP THE ACCOUNTS ... and yes the cc system is finished and working within a dummy paypal account ... you simply change the email address to "your" paypal account and it will work just fine. Additionally - you still have not set up a new server ... and the way you act, I am not about to send files over for you, or Steven to install - because you will probably install them wrong - not follow directions - and then blame me for the systems failure. I am not responsible for your decision to choose to ignore the requests I have made to you with regard to the server, and told you Im not doing anything at all until the server issue is rectified. have you done that yet ... NO You do not understand the system and you do not understand the programming - so why would I just send you files to try and upload on your own and expect to work - on a system that may or may not have the proper applications installed. Steven sent me a few items, and said he was on a windows platform. I asked if Appache was installed and proper suppoert for php/mysql - and never got a responds - so I am just to assume that you still have a windows platform - and guess what ... php doesnt run on windows unless you have additional applications installed and set properly. So no ... Im not sending you the files to install yourself. If there is a problem, I will not be able to assist or ensure proper set up unless I am the one who installs them for you. I do not run scams. The amount I charge people is the quote for the project .. not to duck under some legal policies. My terms of use and policies change ... yes .. I change them to fit my needs - just as any business does - and within them it says "these policies can change without notice" Grow the *** up, get a *** life and leave me the *** alone you *** *** *** *** peice of *** pathetic *** Go ahead ... contact all those people who "claim" to have issues ... they are all low life pieces of *** too - and guess what ... every thing they have done to "try" and bring me down has failed. And the reason it fails is because I keep records ... I have policies and contracts ... I save correspondence ... and when these organizations contact me and do their "investigation" they dismiss the whole thing because they realize its just a *** claim from a whining little *** who cant follow the rules. Add your name to that list. Another *** who cannot read, follow direction, pay attention or even have enough respect to be civil and communicate as a normal human being - but yet Im supposed to bend over and and do whatever you ask me to do because your name is Robert and you believe yourself to be the holiest of all that is holy. I quit working on craigslist because its full of sh*thead *** like you who think I owe them something. *** I dont owe you *** - other than a website ... and guess what ... its done. I delivered your website ... even have a raving testimonial from "you" about how good the website is ... but apparently your too *** *** to realize the difference between "my" mistakes and the issues with your server where the actual problem is coming from. I have told you to get a new server and it will all be fixed. We tested the site over and over and over again, and it was all fine and dandy until it hit your server ... hmmm ... wonder what the problem could be. Now I have a list of 20+ different things that are still "not done" that you think I need to do. Go *** yourself. If those items were not finished - why did you release the site to go live? Why say it was finished, make the final payment and write the testimonial if such a long list still needed to be addressed. Give me a *** break and grow the *** up. Your just an ignorant piece of *** *** who goes through life being miserable - and choose to pass that misery onto everyone you come in contact with ... well guess what. Im through dealing with you. You want to write emails like that and be a whining little bi*ch - fine ... but you wont write them to me anymore. If you file a chargeback, you will be in court, and you will be in collections for the amount owed plus fines. Think Im joking ... try it and see, and you will soon find your credit going down the drain. You have no rights to continue the use of the website, and penalties will be enforced if you continue to use the site without permissions or lawful rights to those files ... if you keep them, and dont pay for them, its called STEALING and will be dealt with accordingly. Any further emails for communication with you what-so-ever, will be considered harassment - and it too will be dealt with accordingly. You are not in charge ... you are not a god ... and you really dont count for *** in this world. Your just an arrogant, ignorant piece of pathetic *** ... a *** in society who turns into a whining little *** every time you dont get your way. Sorry pal ... but 2nd grade was over a LONG time ago, and we do things differently now. This is the "real" world ... and your working in a business environment ... not your little play room where you can cry when Johnny takes your toy. Get over yourself and leave me the *** alone." If this is the person you wish to do business with, you've been warned
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