28 Sep, 2010 → by ClaimboUser389415
United Security Systems Cost Me 600.00 and Counting

United Security Systems is an Unethical Company On Sept 3 I received a letter from United Security Systems stating that a security interest had been placed on my property located at 2007 38 St in Calgary, AB in the amount of 2256.93. The letter also stated that if I did not pay United Alarm Systems that they would charge me 2.5% interest per month indefinitely. I contacted them to inquire as to the reason for the security interest and they told me that it was because they installed an alarm on my premise. I notified them that I did not authorize the installation on the premise, and that it was a rental unit. They proceeded to tell me that I need to pay them and then take my tenants to small claims court to get my money back. When I got possession of the property back from the tenants in mid August there was no alarm system installed. The tenants that supposedly installed an alarm system left the province and I have no means to contact them. I asked for copies of the contract and for any proof of an installation billing, or monthly charges for the service and they declined to provide this information to me. So in this world I guess I can claim to own your house and put it up as security and you must pay for it if I cannot meet my financial commitments or decide to leave the province. What United Security Systems Inc has done is causing me a great deal of stress, and will cost a great deal of money to get United Security Systems to remove the security interest. I am writing this message for ALL to see so you can get an Idea of what companies like United Security Systems get away with on a daily basis. If you do happen to read this article please pass it on to AS MANY of your friends as possible. My goal is to let it be known what this company has done to me and make this cause the first thing you see on GOOGLE when you type in United Security Systems.
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