14 Dec, 2019 → by ClaimboUser480780
You’ve got no other choice, but no, clearly not a monopoly.


I've been a customer for 5 years now. I'm legally blind and on disability. I had an issue paying my bill in October, and for the first time in my life, I had a utility get cut off. How embarrassing it was for me to have to find a $200 loan to get my gas cut back on. My water heater, stove and oven, and my heat are all gas. So, it is essential for me to have year round. I paid the $195 to get it turned back on. $80 was a reconnect fee. I paid it on Saturday, and on Monday, I had heat, and a means to cook and bathe! After a couple weeks without I was beyond excited! So november rolls around and I checked my balance on the 3rd when I get my disability check, and I had a $0 balance. That's weird, but I figured since its only been back on for 2 weeks, theyd just not cycled a bill yet, no biggie, I'll wait until December 3rd and pay whatever. About 3 weeks later, I received a check in the mail for $126! Last week of the month, for a guy on disability is not a fun week no matter how well I budget through the month, especially wirh mortgage, insurance, power, phone, internet, trash, and food. $930 doesnt go far. I realized that it was 5 years exactly that i'd been a customer and psnc had just been bought out, so I thought it was my security deposit, as id just been contacted by Duke Energy and elected to apply there's to my account as a credit. On December 3rd STILL no bill. I decided I'd call them tomorrow and figure out what's going on. Well, the next morning I've got no gas. I was told its because I was stealing gas. However they do not deny that id paid everything I owed them, and that they sent me my deposit minus what I owed them for the gas I apparently stole, that was paid for, but since my gas was connected, they surmise that I'm stealing gas, yet domt deny I paid them a reconnect fee. They claim I didnt call and tell them to reconnect it, after paying the reconnect fee? Sooooo..... The fee being a "reconnect" fee apparently isn't enough of an indicator for them to reconnect the gas? Even though they did reconnect it? But there's some confusion since apparently after paying them the balance and the reconnect fee, I'm then supposed to hang up, call right back and tell them I'd like them to reconnect the gas I just paid them to reconnect? Its very confusing, and I have no experience with this sort of thing. All I know is, pay a bill, use service, dont pay, lose service, pay past due, and disconnect fee, get service back, and that is exactly what happened! They called me a thief, saying I'd reconnected my own gas, saying they never reconnected it, yet got the $80 to do so. So, why didnt they then, if I'd paid them to? If I'm a thief, why did they send me money? If "as they claim" held an investigation, why was I not only nit questioned, but not even contacted? I'm a blind man, sitting in a 53 house, having not bathed since 12/3/19 and its now 12/14/19! I havent been able to cook, so have had to order in every meal, and have already blown through every dime fpr rhe month, not even half way through the month! Christmaa is ruined, I was to have family in to visit, but had to cancel, which is alwys nice. They now say I have to pay them ANOTHER $200 to restore service. I dont have it, I have nothing left as I've had to buy 2 space heaters, and fast food all month. I've tried to get another $200 loan, having suffered the past 2 months paying the original loan back. Granted that initial disconnect was my responsibility, and the suffering of $100 less a month to live off of was due to my poor budgeting. This however IS NOT ON ME! I am not physically capable of reconnexting my gas, I wouldn't even know where to start, and I have a strong aversion, to catching myself on fire, and or exploding my house. Therefore I typically leave that sort of dangerous activity to the professionals, and people with much better eyesight than I have. I also refrain from driving automobiles, and anything else that may endanger me and others. If they really want to continue this, rather than admit a work order didnt get closed, or some other mistake of that sort caused this error, and persist accusing a blind man, who has paid them every dime he owes, paid them to reconnect the gas they claim they didn't reconnect, and has been shaken down for yet another $200 is the one in the wrong, then so be it. We will next see what the attorney general, and the media has to say about this. I am being extorted "pay us or freeze!" Well, I have paid you, you openly admit that!
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