26 Jul, 2021 → by ClaimboUser965329
To get a new saw

Update by user Jul 26, 2021 I was working on a tree job and I can't finish the job they've been two months this is why I'm trying to get a new start so I can complete this lady job she's been on my case for the last two months I need some relief to finish the job with y'all product Original review posted by user Jul 26, 2021 I bought the saw at Lowe's I too work and it stopped working so I've called li call Lowe's and I took it to one of the shops that they require me to take it to the shop tried to crank it and they told me it couldn't be fixed because duh it cost more than what the saw worth to fix itI'm trying to see it couldbereplace this this so give me a call 251-490-**** thank you
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