15 Aug, 2021 → by ClaimboUser493354
The deceitful practices of carol wright on my first with them


Complaint concerning order number XTLN8800, and the deceitful practices of carol wright on my first with them. Shipped 7-12-21 did not arrive till 8-3. FEDEX changed the type of shipping from smartpost to ground and LOST the package for a two weeks and then delivered it via ground not smartpost as it should have been it sat in limbo, callled carol wright on 7-21 to get a replacement and was told it would be shipped out never left Co.. Fedex finally found it the first order later and left it in the lobbby of my Apartment complex, and it was stolen. when I called to inquire about the replacement CS couldnt find the reorder, then I was told on 7-27 I would receive a refund in 3-5 days. well no refund and no order has been received. their CS just lied and gave me the runaound after transfering my call and disconnecting me three times only to be lied to that the refund was in process. well its 8/15 it has not been refunded nor have i received my products that I paid $27.82 I want the product or refund my money and I'll get it someplace else.
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