11 Apr, 2020 → by ClaimboUser776662
Terrible experience on 4-11-20 9:00 am at sore number 2524


Was second in line and everyone, including customers, were wearing masks and gloves except my checker. She was going very slow and was not sacking the groceries for elderly woman in front of me. All of a sudden she spit standing up down onto the floor, possibly into a trash can. She did not even cover her mouth. I could not believe it! I am elderly with underlying health conditions and was shocked and scared. I addressed her that I couldn’t believe what she did, she was going very slow and also was not even helping her customer bag her groceries. I asked her why she also didn’t have on a mask and gloves like all other checkers and also like her customers. No answer, no apology for spittiing, no comment from her at all. A man was behind me so I took all my groceries off the line and put back into my cart and told them all I didn’t feel comfortable with her checking me out. I should have left. I asked for a manager, but a supervisor came and I told him the circumstances. He didn’t apologize just went to get gloves and opened another line and checked me out. I asked again for a manager. Finally one did come, I told him and he was nice but never saw him speak to either employee about their behavior. I did tell him I was a long time customer and I would be turning the store in as this is no joke. I have family who have lost a loved one in NY from this horrible virus and this is outrageous that a grocery store would have employees doing these type of things and not even taking responsibility or apologizing when called out. I will also be contacting our local newspaper to ask them to warn people of this store and their attitude towards this. User's recommendation: Do not get in checkout line UNLESS your checker has on a mask and gloves. Very disappointed and shocked about this experience. Wouldn’t expect this To happen anytime BUT especially during a pandemic across our great country.
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