23 Oct, 2018 → by ClaimboUser773728
Ten Trails homes


We have not moved in yet, and we have a major complaint about the Project Manager whom does not respond to emails. Etc. The home we are due to close on in this development 11/6/18, has a front door they decided to paint yellow. It is UGLY and EMBARRASSING, and is the only one on our block. We asked our Lennar sales agent to email him so we could get the form to submit to ask permission to replace it with a nicer low key door at our expense. The onlu response we received is he is busy & they can't figure out what the process will be. Its not our problem there is no HOA in place yet, but i cannot stand the disgusting color that was chosen. This is our 3rd home we've had built, and NEVER had an issue with upgrading or changing out items on a home. This is VERY dissapointing to say the least.
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