2 Jan, 2019 → by ClaimboUser620941
Slightly Unhappy!

I’m not usually one to complain or write a report. I am fairly satisfied with my building but wasn’t satisfied at all with the process and the concrete. I can’t say anything about the sub-contractors that they used because they were hard working gentleman. My first complaint: No one came out to view the property before building was installed. I’m sure these guys have installed plenty of buildings, but isn’t every piece of propert different? How do you determine wether you need fill dirt or if you may need to install the building a certain way? In my case, when the concrete guy got to my house and i showed him the dimensions of the building and how and where it was Going to lay out, that was the first time Andy one had stepped foot on my property. Needless to say , they needed dirt to fill in because one end was higher than the other and they would need a lot more concrete if not. Well, instead of going and getting fill dirt and making it right. They dug out one end and used that dirt to fill in. (Keep in mind, i paid for grading) Now my building basically sits in *** When it rains hard enough, the rain will come in my building. Now, this could of been prevented if someone would of stepped foot on the property before hand. Now my question is? Who is responsible for this? Capital Buildings or the contractor? I’m gonna say Capital buildings because I didn’t hire the contractor. And i bought the building from “Capital Buildings”. So, now I’m gonna have to put a drain system around the front of my building to keep the rain out. And who pays for that? Homeowner, Capital Buildings, or Contractor? I’m gonna say.... it won’t be the Homeowner! I own my own business as well, i do HVAC... I was thinking... what if i go out and just install a system just anywhere in the homeowners house without checking with the homeowner first? What if i install it wrong? What if it was The right system or laying in the right direction? Who pays for that after I’ve already given the homeowner a price?? I Do! I am the contractor, i am the guy who “showed up “ at the property to sale them an HVAC system.... so i take on that job and that responsibility! If i break a vase, scratch a wall, fail inspection... I’m responsible for that JOB! No one else!
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