1 Aug, 2019 → by ClaimboUser284728
Resolved: Food great service not to. House of thieves look out.


Update by user Aug 01, 2019 Not yet done Original review posted by user Aug 01, 2019 Hi my wife and enjoyed a nice meal at El Amigo the food was great. At 7pm we left got on the freeway oops left my wallet. Drove back and well the wallet was gone. No one seen anything and there was only eleven to fourteen people and all. Of them were on the patio eating. So asked the guys at the bar they didn't see anyone come in. The staff said the table reset itself and ate my wallet or so they would have me believe. So figured someone walked through and picked up especially after the owners swears it couldn't of been staff. That's good enough for me. So I go home cancel all of my credit cards. But as always missed one. Well the thieves not their here is how I reached my conclusion. The thieves did. Nothing until midnight. Then $92.11 inn gas at the corner gas station. This is about 25 plus gallons. Next they drove up the street to Jack in the box and bought $48 of food. This after eating at El Amigos apparently Chinese food Because three hours later they are $48 dollars of Jack in the box. Or maybe they waited until midnight because they had to finish cleaning in the restaurant. So is it they are so stupid they stole a wallet and. It took them 5 hours to figure out the accidentally picked up the wrong wallet, or did they have to finish their shift.
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