9 Mar, 2018 → by ClaimboUser6959
Resolved: Don’t know I was under contract and can’t cancel

Update by user Jun 25, 2018 Someone had contacted me shortly after my review. Since I was under contract they want me to pay almost $2000 dollars. The person that contacted me said they could do $400, and split up the payments and then the would close my account. I went with that deal just to be able to get out of my contract and service. I have made the payments and am still waiting for the mailed proof that my account is good. But At least by doing this review I was finally able to talk to someone that didn't keep blowing me off and at least considered a lower payment and finally agreeing to close my account. Original review posted by user Mar 09, 2018 After balancing my checkbook the week of Feb.19 I again saw that Monitronics raised my price. I was mad and decided i had enough and I was going to look into a new service. I called in ADT and had that installed 2/23. There is no way to contact Monitronics over the weekend and my install wasn't done until 9pm on 2/23 so I had to wait until Monday to call and cancel my service. At that time I had no idea that I was still under contract with them. It was not disclosed to us verbally at the time of our original installation and we didn't notice it on the contract. When I called to cancel service, they asked why and I had told them I am tired of the lack of communication on their part. I have never been notified of anything except for the occasional emails of changing their name or how to work their products. I started with a bill of $61.99 in 2014, $65.46 in 2015, $68.63 in 2016, $69.04 in 2017, and 72.47 in 2018. Never being notified of any of them. Even at the time I called to cancel I was not informed that I was still under contract which could have given me the chance to cancel ADT. In my opinion they breached their contract long before me and should make it void now. In my contract is states they can raise their price, but they are suppose to give 30 days notice in writing prior to it taking effect, I would have 20 days to object, but how could I object when I NEVER received a thing. Also there is a clause giving them permission to take the above amount on the contract electronically, so technically they were illegally taking money out of my account. Also there is a small clause that states that All changes or amendments to the agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties to be binding on the parties, so wouldn't it be fair to assume that would include increases to my price. And not to mention I now question the service all together. When ADT did the install, at first he couldn't figure out how to get the panel off the wall and a tampering code kept coming up, when he got it off the wall it kept randomly beeping and he just yanked the battery. All during the install he kept saying they're going to call, they're going to call, they're going to call, they aren't calling, they aren't calling, why are they not calling, they should have called. Can you imagine if that was a actual burglar that broke into my house and took the panel off the wall and just unplugged the battery?
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