8 Jul, 2020 → by ClaimboUser414081
Product changed without notifying customers


Nature's Promise Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips. These chips have changed. They used to be thicker and flatter, but most importantly, they now have a TON more salt! I don't know if the salt amount in the package I got was a mistake, but there was so much salt on the few chips I tried that I had to stop eating them.I am on a low salt diet and I liked these chips because they had less salt than a lot of the other kinds or brands. You have raised the salt level to the point where I will not be buying them anymore. I don't like when companies do this kind of thing without letting customers know about it. Don't think we don't notice because we do. Susan User's recommendation: Alert: salt level has been raised a lot. Not like the old product. Don't buy if you're concerned with amount of salt in products your eat.
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