1 Jun, 2013 → by ClaimboUser186619
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I had never been to Beamers, so one Friday, me and some friends decide to go. I wasn't familiar with their dress code, so I wasn't aware that I was wearing the wrong type of shoes. I had on some flat sandal like shoes, without a strap at the back. Unfortunately, I have a leg condition so I can't wear heels at all:-( Well they denied me entry on those grounds. I understood the policy, and so I called my friend who was on the way, and she went back and got some more shoes for me to wear. So as I was waiting on her, I noticed a woman come up, and was actually allowed in, and she had on flip flops. So I asked the doorman, what was different about her sandals that allowed her to get in and not me. So he actually acted as if he didn't see it and kept saying I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't want to keep hearing him lie to me, so I said koi guess you didn't see it. I walked back to where I was at to continue to wait on my friend. As I wait, I see another woman come up with some flip flops. I am still on the phone with my friend who is on her way. So as I watch the lady slide on down the walkway with her flip flops on and then is let into the club, I start to wonder what is really going on. I go up to the door man and question him about it, and then he begins to get upset that I am questioning him about his apparent discrimination practices. He then begins to say well, the reason that I am not letting you in is because of your attitude. I didn't have an attitude initially, nor did I have one at that time. My friend, who is still on the phone and I almost died from laughing as we were puzzled how he actually described me questioning his discrimination of me as having an "attitude". I have worked around a multitude of people, and the reason that I am a good employee, and a good person in general is because I do a good ability to actually talk and communicate effectively with other people. I felt, and this is only just my opinion, that certain individuals, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am a young, black woman, (I'm not sure) are already prejudged as most likely to exhibit a certain behavior, or have the potential to exhibit certain behavior, therefore, he wasn't basing his argument on what I was actually doing, which was only questioning why he denied me entrance based on my shoes, but allowed others with the same type of show in. So I immediately, I asked the other bouncer if I could speak to the manager. The manager comes out and I politely ask for her name and give her mine. I then tell her what happened and, and she tells me, if I want to continue to talk to her that I would have to put the phone down, as I said I still had my friend on the line to witness what was happening. I definitely understand the importance of conducting business and not being on a cell phone, but everything was happening so fast and I was upset about what just happened, I actually forgot I was still holding up the phone to my ear. When I put the phone down, she basically said, you can't get in because you don't have the right type of shoes, so I stated, I understand why I can't get in, but my concern is why the doorman allowed the 2 other women into the club with the same type of shoes I have on. Of course she said, she didn't see it so she can't comment on it. But the most disturbing part of this was the fact she actually started saying that I was being confrontational with her so she was not going to let me in. So it went from, I can't get in because of my shoes, to I can't get in because I am having an attitude to I can't get in because I am being confrontational, when in fact I was far from it. I asked her to explain how I am being confrontational, as I was not yelling, I didn't raise my voice, I didn't use profanity, I didn't threaten her, I wasn't being argumentative or any of those, which I consider characteristic's of being confrontational. Her definition of being confrontational was interrupting her, and not allowing her to speak. It's very hard to have a conversation with someone who is not addressing the topic at hand. I wanted to talk to her specifically about the doorman's apparent discrimination. She wanted to discuss that I am not allowed in without the shoes. I kept trying to tell her the shoes are not the issue, as my friend was on her way to bring me a pair. So in the end she told me I couldn't get in because I was being confrontational. I wanted to write this review because I feel that places like this should be held accountable for how they treat the people that take their hard earned money to come patronize their establishment. Beamers let in who they want to. If you want to risk being treated as if you are a second class citizen then take your chances here. Otherwise go somewhere where you will be treated with respect, dignity, class, and not like you are just some trash on the street.
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