18 Aug, 2021 → by ClaimboUser340488
Ongoing fees and Membership costs for VASA gym
I canceled a gym membership during 3-2020 due to the pandemic and avoiding possible disease transmission. Paramount Acceptance said the membership was cancelled and I would receive an email confirmation. The confirmation never came. I tried reaching someone again, but after being on hold for a long time and unable to reach anyone gave up. Meanwhile I have continued to receive monthly charges. When I disputed charges they said they had no record membership was cancelled and I never received an email promised. I went through many calls and emails over the last few days to get resolution. They finally agreed to reimburse $42.89 dollars of the roughly $203 paid. For some reason they agree to send a check for this annual amount, but will not agree to reimburse for the monthly charges. After pestering I received a email that membership was cancelled. Meanwhile I disputed several months of the $10 charge via my credit card and blocked payments since this membership was cancelled. I just received an additional charge from them of $50 which does not add up to the several months disputed by my credit card company.