1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser982331
ODesk is forcefully Grabbing my Hard Earned Money


Hello .. I am Ashish Tiwari from India. A web developer and freelancer. I have been working on a freelancing company called ODesk basesd in California, USA. I worked hard for many years for making my reputation so I can get work. At last I got ripped of by this fraud company called odesk. Heres what happened with me. I worked with a client named Jason Phegley for more than a year, but analysed at last that this client is not good.. He was taking my work at very cheap cost and delaying my payments for months. I worked on a project in which I had to clone a website and we decided that budget is 300$. I finished my tasks exactly and it was an hourly contract so I logged my hours in ODesk time tracker.. The job was ended successfully on jan 25, 2014 and the client wrote me a 5 star feedback. Now I was working on other projects and I was quite busy. Now this client started mailing me about getting some work done on a site, and I wonder he was asking me to fix issues with no money or charges .. he wanted me to work for free just because I work with him for long time. I was not available for a second and I told him right away that I am not available and can only work when I am available . He started getting frustrated and forcing me to work with him. I refused and said right away I cant work anymore, so out of frustration he told me he will mess up with my ODesk account. As ODesk system is totally biased and they only listen to client lies and doesnt care for the workers from whom they take their commission that is 10% of totally hard earned money. This client contacted ODesk after 2 months when Job was already done and I recieved a 5 star and you will wonder what comments he wrote in that job.. I am pasting the feedback he wrote me " He is a true artist and master of his craft. Flying through lines of code like a wizard. Solving problems like Einstein. All with the patience of a Zen Master. He gets the job done every single time, and with the efficiency of a fast food chain. Amazing. Simply amazing. " Still client complaint on same job and ODesk started torturing me .. They suspend the account without any notification and the money you have earned which is their still and I need to withdraw can not be taken away .. so they grab your money and your profile. I started trying to contact them and they started ignoring me for weeks. I told them that he is telling you lies and his accusations are baseless .. The client told them "The worker is unresponsive".. Anyone please tell me when I am not having any work with him how can I become unresponsive? And if hes talking about that ended job Why he will rate me 5 star and write such comments if I was unresponsive.. On base of this fake complaint after 3 month ODesk is asking me to send him 100$ otherwise they will seize my account forever and I will loose money for my other work which is stuck there and I will be in total loss. my hard earned money is taken away by these fraud ###... Their own term and condition specify that client can not file any dispute when the work review time is over and the review time is 4-5 days since job is closed .. it can be found at https://www.odesk.com/info/terms/ on point 4 where they clearly mention that. And they are ripping me off after 3 months since the job is ended and they are also forcing me to close my account on ODesk .. My profile is awsome and I am a very professional and hard worker and I wasted 4-5 years to reach in this state of reputation. My profile can be found at https://www.odesk.com/users/~013a95aa2a30930143 Since I am not based in USA, I am stuck now and feeling helpless .. I want to file a case against them in court and want them to get ripped of too.. Anyone who uses ODesk please BEWARE.. THEY ARE THE MOST FRAUD COMPANY IN USA and they are making workers fool internationally. They will forcefully grab thousands of your hard earned money and become happy. this is the way they run their company .. I want to file case for mental harassment and violating my rights and sue them in court but I am helpless since I am in INDIA. Anyone want to help, please suggest me or help me getting over with these goons. Sincere Regards Ashish Tiwari
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