7 Sep, 2021 → by ClaimboUser931612
No response from representatives for 2 1/2 months plus/cost is prohibitive for marketing return


Our company signed a contract for marketing in Yellow Pages. On 6/16/21 I emailed our rep Jan Garey asking for her to update us on our performance and answer questions. Email came back as undeliverable. Tried calling her, left her a voice mail, no response. A few weeks later I called Thryv asking what was happening and who our rep is, since we had never received any notice of who new rep was. (I looked Jan Garey up on Facebook and realized she is retired.) Left a voicemail for the new rep, Jessica Roth, but never heard back. Sent an email on July 15 to her asking for her to call me back or respond. No response. Two months later, out of the blue on 8/19/21 I get a call from Beth Engel saying she is our new rep and that she will call me back with the data and information I am looking for. She said she would call me the following Monday. NO phone call OR email. I am done. Turns out this is a lot of money for our small business with very little return. Something like 28 leads over 3 months of advertising. You are charging us an extremely high amount of money ($600+ per month) to do nothing for us. Please cancel our account immediately.
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