3 Sep, 2015 → by ClaimboUser32686
Mitchell Toyota – Car Purchase Review from San Angelo, Texas


This is the most crooked delearship I have ever dealt with. Their finance manager Matt refused to give us a copy of our contract said he would mail it We told him NO extra insurance he added it without our permission when confronted about it he didn't even deny it instead he said "it's not fair to us that your cancelling it because we got you such a good deal." Really? so you are in the car charity business? And don't make anything off this deal? Besides we already had our own financing! You called us to come in and said let us get you financing we can get you a better deal! When confronted about his little scheme Matt threatens my wife with "we can make this difficult or we can make this easy?" Oh my god! Are u kidding me? They Also Promised us 5% but when we received our contract it was changed to over 7% So my wife gives them a chance to make everything right and goes in to speak with the general sales manager "Dwayne" and he is just as bad! She even told him we considered filing a complaint but we want to give you a chance to fix this. What was their response? No denial they put insurance on our contract without permission- apparently this is no big deal to them. Also they show my wife time stamped paperwork printed AFTER the deal was made! So what happened to those offers , or the one your sales lady texted to my wife asking her to come in that y'all had a better deal? Why didn't you show those? And of course neither Dwayne or Matt apologized instead Dwayne calls my wife names! Said she was combative! She never raised her voice cursed or anything of the sort. In fact under the circumstances she was down right pleasant. I wasn't even there and I know this how? Because she recorded the whole conversation. Just like I recorded the one where Matt confirmed we were offered 5%! Sorry Mitchell Toyota Kia, you were given the opportunity to make this right but the first time you threatened my wife and the second time you call her names. You are now being reported to the following agencies: Texas attorney General, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, The Better Business Bureau, Toyota Motor Credit, Toyota Motors and The Federal Trade Commission.
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