1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser552245
management at national city should be fired


This location has had the ice cream machine down for over three months, but we were there last year, and now that we think back it wasn't working even in october, nor november, as we were traveling there to visit our son for the last time, now since deceased. The manager (Acting manager) on sunday evening, march 9/2015, was asked by me personally how long the machine had been not working, and he lied saying it was like three weeks, when I have an acquaintance who also eats there regularly who also verified it had been over three months, and this manager lied to my face telling me it had been fixed, and broke down after only one day. I suspect the managers are too cheap to have it repaired as they save electric, time for cleaning it every night, and the cost of the mixes (By the way are ice milk, not the better creamy types) , and still charge full price claiming they had given the cashier instructions to let customers know prior to paying that it was not working so that we as customers could decide if we wanted to eat there or not. This was all bs, and lip service, then the managers story changed to the fact they had a sign posted noticing the public of the machine being out of service by the cash register (Now maybe they do after last nights fray) , which was also not factual, and as a result we asked for a free drink since the machine is one of our favorite things in our home states location off sheridan in denver, which by the way is a model location, not a schlock run operation like national citys store. The soups is watered down, like the managers take the concentrate home to feed there own familys at our expense, as it is predominately hispanic, as far as workers are concerned, and the request for a free drink to me and my wife, not to mention our friend who also is hispanic (As I do not dislike legal hispanic americans, nor am I prejudice). This acting manager said he would give us a drink after ten minutes of lying to me on every question changing the story as he went and felt would work on me, which didn't, and then refused to accommodate the hispanic man who also had stopped going there he told me as much.. Because of how poorly it is run. The incompetence of management by this man, and the woman manager is directly inversely preportional to the ceo's ad right when you leave guaranteeing you will have a pleasurable experience or they will make it right. Well the week prior, we went there, machine was down... And there were some african americans who were sitting next to us and the screaming and laughing was at decibels that rivaled a boom box turned up full blast in a vehicle on the street, and they refused to show respect to us as senior citizens, and management did nothing to even ask the folks to please hold it down. Joy our helper who brought us drinks can verify the fact that she was a witness to this unpleasant group of loud and irreverent african americans, who seem to feel they are allowed to do anything to have a good time, yet disrupt the peace and should be allowed to scream and holler at any volume they please, and be allowed to disrupt everyone elses dinner to have a good time. This is something as an incident I wish we had recorded on our I phones, as it would have had millions of hits on you tube under african americans behaving badly in public restaurants. The way this hispanic manager gave us drinks was to give us a couple cards with free drinks granted one time on our next visit, meanwhile he lied about the ice cream machine being down over and over, and refused to understand that when you do not tell the truth when asked, that that is a lie, and not the truth not to mention lying about other things such as if thre butter was really butter as my wife cannot eat canola or soy oil products as she is allergic. The mexican american who also complained spoke to this acting manager in spanish and he again lied to this man also, and refused to make us happy, as he should have given us all free meal vouchers for being so insensitive, and lying on top of it all over and over. I said he should apologise, and give us all three free drinks on the spot due to the fact we were paying full price, and not getting to use the ice cream machine after so many visits and it was still broken, but said he was dealing with me, and I commented that : "to not give us all three free drinks, means he feels he can discriminate against the one and not for the others, so our appetites were spoiled by his totally unprofessional actions geared at profit only, and not to make the foundation of the customer being happy the basis of the concerns, but to only care about pure profit and greed, like customers don't count. I will never go back, and we went half a dozen times since october, but yet being a manager he said did not mean he had to listen to my problems, and refused many times to speak to the hispanic man next to us that was my acquaintance to hear it from him also. I am noticing in southern california that hispanic managed restaraunts refuse to ever make good on any complaints when the food is sub standard, and since they may not have been educated properly, have no understanding when managers, what it entails to run a restaurant chain properly, and offer free meals when you get sick with salmonilla for example due to poor food handling, they just apologise and say if you don't like it don't come back, that was the same attitude this manager had at this restaurant, so think again before going to this location as the management is condescending, unprofessional, and too cheap to treat customers who know what a real restaurant is supposed to be run like properly, as most of the customers are not us citizens, and don't know any better, so they get away with it in many cases with no complaints, as real american customers are always right but then again you have little kids sticking their hands in the food serving themselves instead of getting assistance from their parents. That also promotes disease to visiting customers more than anything else. The head ceo of this chain needs to send in undercover teams of secret shoppers to see for themselves that there needs to be a shake up of management in this store, and fire the management there, and start over or just close this location down. I feel sorry for the helpers trying to make a living who work there as they are all quiet and polite, but are afraid to tell the management that their poor business practices reflect on their tips, as we refused to tip joy (Our server) due to this disrespectful treatment by the management to give us a free drink after not having the ice cream machine working for so many months of us paying to eat there and then continuing to think that lying to good customers about the issue when asked flat out to tell the truth as to why it does not work... And lying in or faces like they have that right to do so. So don't waste your time or money eating there unless you just don't care, or you don't know better as few customers even speak english, not to mention how management speaks spanish to all the customers like they are home in mexico... This is the usa... Either speak english in public as managers, or show the other real americans you don't care about the usa by flaunting you hispanic roots into thinking that someday we will all be speaking spanish. Most can speak english, they just speak spanich to be rude, in my opinion
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