25 May, 2020 → by ClaimboUser151041
Made to be viewed as a side show freak


Update by user May 25, 2020 We live in a society where people should not feel rushed intimidated bullied Shane embarrassed or made to be on spotlight for the use of a restaurant it is common knowledge that when you use the restroom yes you are not going to be as long as if you were at home but some situations cannot be helped if you don't take the time to respect understand or ask then you have no right to be loud in Barris bully or make one feel less then because they don't have what you have or you felt you needed to be first or you felt you're better we live in a society where people should not feel rushed intimidated bullied shamed embarrassed or made to be on spotlight for the use of a restroom it is common knowledge that when you use the restroom yes you are not going to be as long as if you were at home but some situations cannot be helped if you don't take the time to respect understand or ask then you have no right to be loud embarrass bully or make one feel less then because they don't have what you have or you felt you needed to be first or you felt your better that's why That's when you get into violation of people right and you cross a line to where you represent a company that now will be sued for your actions you cannot say I'm sorry because you're not you were train they put you in a position because they felt you were able to handle and stay in for a company corporation so therefore not only you but your corporation get sued if that's what you need to be understanding when you do people certain ways if you are being treated that way do not allow anyone to phone you and say they're sorry take any and everything from that point on in writing and file a lawsuit for harassment and shaming and bullying you will win get your ducks in a row there's video footage order and get it but never let anyone bully you again Original review posted by user May 25, 2020 I am Ali G and I write for results I write what has been happening and continues to happen to consumers that need to be stopped I make you aware and I hope that you speak up from here on out to not allow people to just do anything or give you standard answers question it if it doesn't feel right have them write it down and sign it if that's what they say is policy make them show you hold him accountable for their actions 111 Lincoln Corona This was the worst and most embarrassing night of my life while using a Facilities' restroom at the Arco gas station I was waiting for water to somehow get Luke warm I was well into 10 minutes As it began to get warm I started to fill my bottle for the use of the water later win a banging noise came through the door. It startled me I wasn't sure what was happening I said one minute I'm trying to wash my hands and I'll be out I wasn't given that opportunity because a few seconds later the knock became a kicking and banging I open the door to face management Monica screaming in my face telling me I have been in there an awful long time and other people needed to use the restroom as I'm feeling my bottle I tried to explain to her I was not in there that long and I could not get a word in edge wise she continues to us sort her position Place her foot against the door to not allow me to close it to finish getting myself ready to exit the restroom she told me I would have a problem with her as long as I spoke which at what point denied me my fifth amendment right which also came with the threat of the police escorting me you can't be management and know that someone is in a situation without a home and embarrass shame try to humiliate and threaten because you're in a position of employee you represent a company that I no longer care to do business with if they hire employees like you whoever uses a restroom it's not bound or hail to any time frame for you do not know the persons medical condition or history or what they may need to do you assume and you have discriminated in fairly unfairly labeled me I have a medical condition That I cannot predict when or how long you chose not to hear but you assumed therefore I am after your position I do not feel you need to be in that position at all or working for that company because if you're still there I will sue you or call you fail to allow me to protect myself from the COVID-19 virus because I was not allowed to wash my hands you do not have hot watered that comes quickly not even at the temperature the CDC requires every facility to provide to consumers I was put it extreme risk and danger and I want compensation for you do not get to embarrass people or bring out their shortcomings or the mishaps for no reason at all that I cannot predict when or how long you chose not to hear but you assumed therefore I am after your position I do not feel you need to be in that position at all or working for that company because if you're still there I will sue you Arco you fail to allow me to protect myself from the COVID-19 virus because I was not allowed to wash my hands you do not have hot watered that comes quickly not even at the temperature the CDC requires every facility to provide to consumers I was put it extreme risk and danger and I want compensation for you do not get to embarrass people or bring out their shortcomings or their mishaps for no reason at all when someone enters the restroom those who wait understand that there may be a wait however long it may be so they make a choice to wait or to go there's no rule that says I have to exit it's your time knowing that my medical condition is unpredictable which you chose not to hear I do not again believe you deserve this job or position if I see you there I'm calling the health department OSHA because I know and I have videotape you are not compliant so Arco if you care you will not assume me always coming to be sure that you're compliant and turning you in you will compensate and you will remove this employee that is my only solution that I can accept compensation and removal of the employee that's it User's recommendation: Monica your manager need not have that position you had to transfer or you terminate and I want compensation that is all I will except.
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