6 Nov, 2016 → by ClaimboUser992782
Last option. Avoid its use if possible.

1. Shipping cost at their discretion. Eg. Local shipping cost $44. Yet express service to overseas country only cost $ 28.50 2. Terms of usage not comprehensive. Eg. Split repack not mentioned. Will be done if you intend to apply your shipping guarantee to one of multiple products purchased from same merchant. 3. Qualifying for consolidation repack (2 kilos) is applied based on actual weight and not volumetric weight. Eg. If total products is only 1 kilo but volumetric weight is 7 kilos. You are not qualified for consolidation repack and shipping cost will be based on 7 kilos. TO USE THEIR SERVICE ONE NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND THE FORWARDING BUSINESS AS OTHERWISE ONE WILL FACE A LOT OF HIDDEN UNFAVOURABLE TERMS ALONG THE PROCESS WITH NO OPPORTUNITY TO BACK OUT. Their customer service personnel can help you along completely at their mercy following their operating procedures which as mentioned is not completely transparent to a layman. Their claim of saving costs is doubtful.
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