31 Oct, 2019 → by ClaimboUser201614
Inconsistencies with Dominion Energy policies, billing, and customer service

My complaint serves the purpose of calling attention to inconsistencies in Dominion’s customer service, policies, and billing practices. Dominion Energy sent me a power bill on 9/19/19 for what I believed was an incorrect amount. I called customer service on Friday 9/20/19 and a customer service rep agreed there was an error and put the account into dispute. He assured me the incorrect billed amount would not be auto drafted from my account. Late on Monday 9/23/19 I noticed the disputed amount was withdrawn from my bank account. I called Dominion multiple times on 9/24/19 and they were unable to offer any explanation for the withdraw citing all of their systems were down and I would have to call back tomorrow – this is a fortune 500 company. I immediately filed a complaint with the SCC and the BBB on 9/24/19 since the amount I was told was in dispute and would not be withdrawn, was in fact withdrawn. The next morning of 9/25/19, someone contacted me from dominion customer relation and policy as a result of my BBB complaint. The rep told me there was no mistake on my bill and I would be responsible for the full disputed amount. The explanation was that my meter was broken and had only been billing me based on estimates in the previous months. Unbeknownst to me, a dominion tech came to my house and “fixed” my meter and that is when usage generated 2,982 kWh and a ridiculously high bill for 20 DAYS – basically 1,000 kWh per week for three weeks in a brand new, 1900sqft, energy efficient home, occupied by two adults. 2,982 kWh (in three weeks) is two times the approx usage that Dominion estimates for an ENTIRE MONTH at 1500 kWh. And not to mention 2,982 kWh is more energy than I have ever used as a homeowner…not even during the winter holiday with the heat on, Christmas lights running for a month, and overnight family visitors. The billing cycle that includes the day the Dominion tech came to my house is the only bill that generated an unusually high usage and payment. In the 14 days immediately following the disputed billing period, my house generated 344 kWh in 14 DAYS. That’s a drop from approx. 1,000 kWh/week to 172 kWh/week with no changes in our consumer behavior. Dominion blamed it on a change in the weather temperature. I checked the weather temperature hi and low for each of the days in question to establish an average. The average hi temperature for the 20 day period in dispute was 86.76 degrees. The average hi for the 14 days immediately following was 85.46 degrees – a one degree change in average hi weather temp. Average low for the 20 day period in dispute was 66.42 degrees. The average low for the 14 days following was 63.92 – a three degrees change in average low. From 2,982 kWh in 20 days, to 344 kWh in 14 days – a difference of six days with with no change in consumer behavior and weather that barely changed in average hi or low? Mind you, 344 kWh is much closer to what I would expect based on my previous billing. Several things don’t sit well with me. I received contradictory explanations. The first customer service rep on 9/20/19 said there was an issue with my bill and he would place it into dispute. On 9/25/19 a different rep in customer relation and policy told me that the disputed bill was so high because they were accounting for unbilled kWh that occurred while the meter could not be read. She rambled through calculations and everything. The very next day on 9/26/19, the same customer relation and policy rep told me the disputed bill was so high because I had actually used 2,982 kWh in 20 days. When I explained that her answer contradicted the reason she gave the day before, her demeanor changed and she resorted to repeating, “The bill is right. The bill is just right. I can’t explain it anymore. I’ll just open a high bill investigation.” Rude and unprofessional staff with no accountability. I called back to customer relation and policy on 9/26/19 to get a better understanding with my wife on the phone. The rep who had been helping me and who was familiar with the case did not take the call. Instead, another rep took the call who was extremely rude and spoke over my wife on several occasions until my wife addressed her for her rude and unacceptable service. The rep ceased over-talking my wife, but also brushed off any further questions and did not put me in contact in the previous rep. The rep noted that her phone conversations were not being recorded and clearly felt entitled to rudely and arrogantly address customers with a perfect record of payment. Manual adjustments were made to my account. It was explained to me that Dominion has a policy that after two inaccurate meter readings an investigation is launched to repair the meter. Apparently Dominion got two inaccurate readings, which launched the investigation that resulted in the Dominion tech coming to my house unbeknownst to me and generating a ridiculously high bill. It was explained that as a customer I should receive two bills with an asterisk on them indicating my meter billing is based on an estimate, not an actual reading. I did not receive two bills with asterisk. I only received one bill with an asterisk. Indicating there was only one inaccurate reading before they “fixed” my meter. When specifically asked, Dominion customer relation and policy rep could not answer for why Dominion did not follow their own policy. Instead, she noted that “there was some manual entry on my account.” Excuse, me? The customer relation and policy rep said they were going to put in a ticket for a high bill investigation, but in the meantime I still need to make payment. And that’s how Dominion does business. They provide inconsistent and untruthful information, they do not adhere to their own policies, rude customer service reps with no accountability, and will ultimately tell you to pay the bill and go away with no substantive explanations for erratic for billing.
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