1 Jan, 2018 → by ClaimboUser886982
Improper illegal business policies


I renewed my subscription in may 2010.I was talked into a life time serivce was slightley more than the 3 yr fee.I spent 45 min while they walked me through the process.they accumulated the totals for this explained it was lifetime and it was a one time charge of $xxx.xx they confirmed the purchace the amount debited my visa said thank you and we were done.ON 7/22/2010 radio servive stoped.I called several times during the next 3 days on my cel.all i got was music on hold.7/26/2010 I callad, waited 20 min finally got a person this guy wasn't as polite as the sales dept! I explained i had no service.He admitted service interupted was done by them.He would need me to hold so he could speek with his supervisor. I waited 5 min and was cut off. I imediately called back on land line, min later customer service answered. I explained I was cut off and asked for the name of who I was speeking to, she said with heavy accent her name was Carol. I explained I had lifetime service I had paid for back in May. And that I currently do not have service. She pulled up my account and told me that they had disconnected my service and told me there was a balance of $5.00. I told her that it was rediculous that they walked me through a lifetime service plan back in May of 2010. They totaled the charges for the service, explained that it was a lifetime service for my radio, they debited my visa card for the total amount of $461 thanked me for being a customer and now telling me I have balance due of $5.00 and terminating my service. She said I am sorry sir I need to speak to my supervisor can you hold? I told her no, to put the phone down and call him on another line. She insisted on putting me on hold, I refused to be put on hold. I said I know what you are going to do, you are going to email or call someone from your location and I don't want to be cut off agin. She put me on hold anyway, I held on hoping I would not be cut off, 10 min later she came back on the line. She told me that she could give me a 1yr free service. I said that's crazy I paid for lifetime and that this is happening over a $5.00 amount when I paid for lifetime service. She said, sir the best thing I can do is give you a 30 day free service until this is address by my supervisor. I said, what happened to the one year you just offered me. I told her that in 30 days you will terminated my service and we will be going through this all over again. She asked for my phone #'s, said they would be contacting me, and I told her that I would be filing a complaint with the FCC and the BBB.
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