27 May, 2014 → by ClaimboUser105099
I was ripped off! I logged the emails to support this statement.

I am unsatisfied with my purchase to the company Speed to Contact and have tried in good faith to correct the problem back to satisfaction with them. The product was specifically purchased for my company business and not only did they charge me $1,600, but my business also suffered undue costs due to the incorrect performance of the faulty product. I have made the company aware from the beginning since they delivered my product weeks behind the promised schedule of the faults and errors and have asked multiple times for a full refund with no success. On 12/13/13 a contract was written up between myself and the company Speed to Contact (STC) to integrate a product that would guarantee my business to get in contact with my clients before any competition in addition to features listed on their website as "ready to use right out of the box." My product was to be "launched"/delivered per the contract on 12/23/13 which would the start the billing cycle. I paid the $1,200 upfront on 12/18/13 for the set up of the integration and $200 a month was to be the charge to maintain the system after delivery for a total of 6 months. On 12/23/13 when I sent an email in the morning asking to make sure my product was ready per contract I received an automated email informing me STC was on vacation until 1/7/14. When the evening came I finally for an email asking me if I'd be available the next day because a training must take place first. It was never said at this point they were running behind schedule or that they were having issues setting things up. The next day came with another email asking to postpone again until 12/30/13 to do the training. On the 30th the I received an email from STC with the promise of the launch to start and a reassurance that integration "should be easy from here." However, with the unsuccessful attempts on 1/1/14, I sent an email notifying STC their unfinished product was working incorrectly. Like clockwork another automatic email was sent back to me notifying me STC would be out of the office until 1/7/14. Time is of the essence in a profession like mine and the first week of January I got more promises the product would "be ready any day now" and on 1/8/14 another "launch"/delivery was attempted. I informed STC again on 1/8/14 and 1/9/14 the product was not working correctly or as promised. More promises made to me by STC that my product would be working soon and I hung on to the hope that it would. But after another week of serious performance problems I emailed STC on 1/16/14 that I wanted to cancel my contract because of their failure to deliver my purchased product. I had such high hopes and was beyond anxious for the product to start working correctly that when STC begged me to give them more time to work on the product I agreed since I had already spent $1200 and at this point I had no other choice but knew something was better than nothing. On 2/1/14 STC charged my first $200 which acknowledged the product was ready because now I was being billed for the upkeep. I emailed STC this day asking if my product was working but ended up playing another game of back and forth emails of more broken promise. On 3/1/14 another charge was billed and on 3/11/14 STC said they would notify me when everything would be repaired. On 3/12/14 and 3/13/14 I sent multiple messages and on 3/21/14 STC emailed me that "it should work by Monday." On 3/31/14 I ask when my product will work correctly because i really need it to. The first week of April was filled with more excuses that things were not working including an email that "they are too swamped to get anything done quickly." On the 8th of April I asked again for a refund and was only offered a month credit and nothing more. On 4/21/14 I emailed STC again asking for a full refund of $1600 and not extra monies lost due to the purchase of their product. On 4/22/14 STC emailed that they would get a decision back to me by the end of April and to this day I have not heard anything or have been given any refund.
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