26 Mar, 2020 → by ClaimboUser564177
I Have been Misadvised and Talked to as if I were a Dog in the Street


My Name is Clifford Allen and I live at 13823 Fernwood ave., East Cleveland, Ohio 44112. I am a CNAC Customer purchased my Original car through JD Byrider. The Car was a 2010 Hyundai Sonata. The car was involved in an accident and i was given a 2009 Chevy Malibu to finish out my Original Car Loan Agreement with you. I Have had Serious problems with an Employee who goes by the name of Will. My Chevy Malibu was running terrible! So, I called your Service dept and talked to Rob who was very Cordial. I told him a list of things wrong with my car and advised him that I would like Service for it scheduled around the time i receive my Monthly Income which is the 3'rd of the Month (April) Rob advised me to bring my Car on in and that a short term loan for the repairs could be arranged with CNAC. I took my car in on March 25, 2020 and was advised that I would receive a call once they found out what was wrong with it. I advised them that I also was having problems with my front passenger side headlight and would like that added to repairs needed to be done. I Received a call today at approximately 4:40pm (Close to Closing) and was advised by Voice mail on my Phone that the repairs were Done and the price of the repairs came to $811.00 and some change! I was a little taken back in that I was not told what was wrong with my car before the work was done other than the headlight issue. I then called CNAC and talked to Damon Walton and advised him that repairs had been made and that I was advised by the Service Dept to talk to Someone about a Short term Loan to cover the repairs. It was then that he advised me that I was to have talked to someone about the loan before the repairs were made and that if i would hold on, he would let me to Will...His Supervisor! Will came to the Phone Hostile from the Start advising me that I should have made arrangements with Him Before the Repair shop did the work, That they didn't have money on the Back end to be just throwing it out there, and that He did not like being Dictated to about money for my Repairs. I told him that I was misinformed on how things worked and that I was expecting a call before the repairs were Started. He asked how much were the repairs and I told him $811.00 and some change! He asked me how much did I have and I told him Nothing...That I had been willing to wait until the 3rd of April to bring my car in, and then advised him of what I was told by Rob in the Service Dept. Will than stated that I would still have money for the diagnostics. I am sure that would have been added in to the repairs; And If i had waited until the 3rd of April, I would not have had to worry about it Anyway! I just wanted my car repaired! I have Never felt So Belittled, talked to So Nasty, and Experienced such a Reprehensible Attitude towards Me as a Customer. I was Angry and told Him "Look! I don't have to be talked by Anyone the way you're Talking to Me!" I The told him that I Would just pick up my car on the 3rd of April. It was then that I Realized that He had Hung up on Me! I'm Going to call Rob in the Service Dept. in the Morning and advise him of what Happened and that I will pick up my car on the Date That I Originally advised him that I would have liked to bring my car in which would have been April 3, 2020. I don't know about You!...But I'm 67 years old, retired, raised 10 kids, Still with my wife, Never had a Criminal Record in my life other than a Traffic Violation, and I REFUSE To be Talked to or Treated Any Kind of Way!. I am Asking for Intervention from you on my Behalf!. I can get by JUST FINE without the Short term Loan, But His (Will's) Treatment of Your Valued Customer's should Not Go UnChecked! Thank You For Hearing Me Out! Clifford E. Allen My Email Address is Cliffordisa12@***.com User's recommendation: You Matter! Don't let you Needs allow you Let Yourself be Insulted! Take Matters as High Up as You Can for Results!
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