24 Jun, 2020 → by ClaimboUser49998
Flex seal liquid in aerosol can nozzle exploded off and product went into face


Grabbed a brand new can of the aerosol product. Shook the can like any other to mix the contents. Pushed the nozzle down and the oroduct immediatly leaked out around the nozzle. Took pressure off the nozzle and it popped off and product sprayed all over including my face. Thank God I was wearing my safety glasses. Got a rag and wiped off what I could washed with water to neutralize the chemical reaction and called customer service to see what the best way was to get off of skin particularly around my eyes and face. Although the associates were nice enough they only suggested liquid Dawn or the higher second level suggested LAVA soap. ON A FACE?! I'm not dainty but my wife would cringe at the idea of using lava on a face and rubbing. REALLY!? No suggestion of replacing product or anything worst experience ever. THERE ARE OTHER PRODUCTS on the market and I suggest to use them as at least they are not "habadashers" selling like the old west! Time to talk to legal.
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