2 Nov, 2015 → by ClaimboUser180244
County Disposal Garbage Removal Service Review from Smyrna, Tennessee


I've had "County Dispisal" for a few years now. Over the last year it's been horrific. They come whenever they want, very rarely on time, and some days (not including the holidays) they don't come for a few days. They had the nerve to put a note on our can a few months ago saying not to "overfill" the can. But how am I not going to overfill it when they refuse to come on time?? I'm not going to stack my garbage out on the back porch waiting for them to get there! If it only happened a couple times due to weather or (as they say on their website) "Acts of God", I would completely understand. But these were perfect beautiful days and they simply didn't show up - numerous times. This all started happening after they ran my mailbox over with their truck and had to replace it. Then this Friday they placed a note on our can stating they are canceling service in our area due to lack of interest - the very same day they put the note on it... Wow, no kidding!! Anyone who has them out here hates them because of this kind of stuff! So we aren't allowed to use their can in the meantime (so UNPROFESSIONAL!!!) and we have to let it sit out there at the end of our driveway for up to 7 days while we wait for them to leisurely come around and pick it up! Yeah... That's not happening! So I wrote them an email, no cursing of bad words, but definitely upset, and told them exactly everything I've just said along with, get your can off my property today (i.e., this Monday). They don't have the right to cancel service with zero warning and then "store" their can at the end of my driveway until they decide they have time to get it! THEN... THEN... Little miss "Janie" called me and left a voicemail on my phone wanting to speak to be about the email. So I called her back and she proceeded to admonish me for sending "her" a complaint about it! I told her to send it to her boss! But since they are a family owned business, she is probably the wife of someone. She couldn't imagine why I was so upset and wrote her an email about it. She couldn't fathom me being angry about their service. I guess they need some customer service training, because they are all so very unprofessional. And instead of apologizing, she actually tried to make me feel like I was out of line for the complaint! So I told her the same thing on the phone that I told her in the email. They have until tonight to get their can off my property. After tonight, it goes into the street. I have the physical note they gave us stating they are no longer servicing us as of last Friday, so that can is no longer my responsibility! Tomorrow morning it sits in the street, and whatever happens to it is on them! She tried to argue with me, again, so I cut her off and finally use a couple cuss words that told her to get her $@%#* can off my $&@%#* property TODAY. Then hung up on her. I still can't wrap my mind around her calling to tell me how wrong I am for complaining to them!!! Lmao! Wow! When you get customer complaints, you listen to the complaint and try to make it right. Apologize for what went wrong and calm the customer down if they become irate. I've been in customer service all my life. Telling the customer they are wrong for the complaint and how it "offended you" is NOT the way to get things accomplished. This s why they have such a low star rating, and why they don't have anyone in our area that are interested in their service. They won't be in business much longer if this is the way they handle their sustainers. What a crock of a company they have.
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