26 Jul, 2016 → by ClaimboUser358024
Archived emails- Jenna, Alice Part 2


Sorry, it will only post so much at a time- this is Part 2 jenna jones 7/26/13 to me Alice, we just received registration papers in the mail to fill out and pay.....why are we getting this instead of papers that say she is already registered and paid for? This was never told to us. I am very confused and kind of upset at this point, after paying you $1500 for her, we shouldnt have to pay for her registration....I didnt even have to pay for my last rotties registration and I only paid $140 for her! Now if I am wrong about this and its something else or im reading it wrong, my apologies. But if not, this isnt right, and was NEVER told to me or my fiance that WE wouldn't be responsible for paying for Gabby's registration after paying $1500 for her... alice velasquez 7/26/13 to jenna WOW! I am sorry if there was any confusion! But you are free to contact AKC- that is how it ALWAYS works! I have to PAY to register HER LITTER. AKC is a money hungry organization and wants money from EVERYONE! I have to pay to register the litter and THEN pay an EXTRA FEE PER PUPPY to get paperwork for each puppy (the paperwork you received!) If I register her, then she would be REGISTERED TO ME! The new owner must ALWAYS pay to register the dog. EVEN IF I BUY AN ADULT DOG ALREADY REGISTERED WITH AKC, I STILL HAVE TO PAY to get that dog REGISTERED TO ME!! That is simply how it works! Just like I had to pay AKC money to do the pedigrees, just like I had to pay AKC money for DNA testing on parents and just like I had to buy those papers you got in the mail from AKC. I have so truly tried to be patient and *** my tongue as you continuously tell me what you should get for $1500- you are getting LIFETIME BREEDER SUPPORT, a puppy from parents that have had THOUSANDS spent on them for health clearances, training, traveling, showing, etc.; you get a puppy that has been microchipped, vaccinated, dewormed, vetted, and raised in a facility that thus far has nearly half a million dollars invested in it; a puppy that was raised on the absolute best that money can buy- highest quality vet care, premium holistic food, etc. JUST FOR THE BREEDING WITH THE FATHER OF YOUR PUPPY, MARSIO, I spent $5000 transporting Geneva to Germany, $3000 on stud fee, breeding and travel from Germany to Serbia, and just over $1000 on prenatal care, ultrasounds, x-rays, etc. That does not even count the tens of thousands I spent to get Geneva breed worthy- training, showing, international travel, all health clearances, etc. and it does not even take into consideration all the money I spent on all the vet care of the puppies, all the goat milk, premium food, human grade ground beef, ground turkey, farm fresh eggs, whole yogurt, vaccinations, microchips, wormer, etc. I BARELY BREAK EVEN with all my expenses because I DO IT THE RIGHT WAY! I spare NO EXPENSES with any of my dogs, INCLUDING THE RESCUES. I am super happy for you that the first dog you had was wonderful and only $140. My first Rottie was free off the streets and was my best friend as a kid. But when you have a breeder investing as much as I do in puppies, I am sorry, but $1500 is WAY MORE THAN FAIR. That is DIRT CHEAP for a pup of her quality!! Marsio kids in Europe START AT $3000 and that DOES NOT INCLUDE IMPORT OR CUSTOM FEES!! Marsio, your puppy's father, is a SIX FIGURE DOG!! Meaning his owner was offered the US dollar equivalent of $120,000 for him by a breeder in India!! If you were looking for a cheap puppy, then I am sorry, you certainly chose the wrong breeder- and I am certain that there is nothing on my website or in the amount of titles and clearances my dogs have or in the quality of my clientele that would lead you to believe that I had cheap puppies for sale. The reason my husband works 12-16 hours a day is because DESPITE all the money I invest in my dogs, I STILL try my hardest to keep puppies affordable! I want them to go to good, honest, hard working families and not just to breeders, show homes or rich families- yes I have plenty of clientele that fall into the latter category, but I also try my absolute best to cater to blue collar families- families like myself. I am not trying to come across mean or catty, in fact, I am truly trying to carefully chose my words. I simply think that you just do not understand where your money is going or what all I have invested for the small price you paid for your pup. There are LOADS of breeders with puppies as much or MORE than my puppies that DO NOT have the facility I have nor spend the money on all the training, showing, handling, health clearances, working, etc. because they keep the profit for themselves instead of investing in their dogs. They simply have average quality pups and put a bigger price on them so they appear to be in the same league as my dogs and bloodlines. I will be leaving in a couple of weeks for the ADRK KLUBSIEGER, the world's most prestigious Rottweiler Specialty show. Only the absolute best of the best breeders compete with some of the most magnificent Rottweilers ever to grace the earth. The amount of breeders here in the US that can compete at that level are slim to none. And not only am I going to KS, but I will be competing with YOUR DOG's MOM and 2 of her siblings!! Out of all the EXCEPTIONAL dogs I have, Geneva is just absolutely PHENOMENAL and this breeding with Marsio was one of my BEST!! I KNOW what I have, I know my quality and I know my dogs and my bloodlines. I have nothing but confidence in not only my dogs, but how I conduct business. I take a great deal of pride in my dogs and in Guardian Rottweilers. I built Guardian Rottweilers from scratch over a decade ago with just one dog and but a passion and respect for him that has led me to choose only the absolute highest of quality in an attempt maintain his level. I have fought and clawed my way to the top. I have been hosed and taken advantage of by other breeders and customers more times than I can count over the years, and have vowed that 1) that will NEVER be me as I ALWAYS conduct myself in a manor that will bring honor to my children and my Heavenly Father and 2) that I will not let people like that jade me. I still continue to trust and try and help people and I still happily give everything I have to my dogs and my customers. I resent the implications tossed at me by you on more than one occasion and I think that by trying to placate you, you have incorrectly presumed that I somehow lacked conviction. I will happily and whole heartedly continue to help and support you and Gabby and answer any questions that you have now or that may come up along the way; however, I will ask that you give me the same respect that I have always given you and that if you have any doubt at all in my dogs, my quality, my bloodlines, etc. that you do your research. Talk to my vet about any of my dogs or about how I am in there almost every day and about the tens of thousands I spend on my dogs- even when I do not have money for my human expenses, I ALWAYS make sure my dogs are well cared for; talk to other breeders and judges that are reputable and knowledgeable in this breed and ask them about my bloodlines, my quality or about me; look up the dogs in the pedigrees of any of my breeding stock- there are links to everyone on my website traceable back to the original Rottweilers used to establish the breed back in the early 1900's; then take that research and see how other breeders stack up. See if you can find any other breeder in the world with a contract as comprehensive as mine that has the experience and ability to back it up. If you have any other questions about the AKC papers or need any help filling them out, please let me know. I also wanted to check up on Gabby and see how it went at her last vet appointment. As I said before, I am not trying to be argumentative, I just want to convey as best as I can how I feel. I have nothing but love and respect for all the families that own my puppies. I hope that you will read what I wrote with the spirit it was written- not from a place of resentment, but rather me taking pride in what I do and what I have and hoping to show you perspective from my point of view. Sincerely, Alice Jenna jones 7/28/13 to alice It's hard to not take your email EXACTLY how you said it, because I MYSELF have bitten my tounge since we've gotten Gabby. First I was told BY YOU your pet quality dogs were from $1000-$1500, and when we found out AFTER we PAID our NON REFUNDABLE deposit that the cheapest pet quality pup was $1500, I didn't argue or even bring it up. And I seen a backyard breeder who had a whole litter with NO "flaws" like some of your pups had, for a FRACTION of the price and EVERY ONE OF THEM looked better than your pups!! At that time we had already paid your deposit and felt that your dogs were better quality health wise. And didn't get one of the farmers pups because we were afraid of the possibilities of them having health problems later on down the road, and bought into and were fooled by your sales pitch, which you continue to shove down our throats that your dogs do this, and that, and you go here and there and spend all this money, but at the end of the day, none of that matters because we have had nothing but health problems with YOUR PUP since the beginning, who is supposed to be SO EXCEPTIONAL. THEN we come to get the dog, and you don't even have enough respect for your buyer or the pup to see it off, instead you leave your pre teen daughter to collect the $1000 from us who 1) wasn't able to answer questions, & 2) lied to you about what she told us. And then you email us calling US liars because your daughter was untruthful with you about what she did or didn't tell us. And now about the "quality" of your dogs, Gabby has had a urinary tract infection since the day we got her, come to find out she had worms, her ears aren't set properly, and my vet questioned one of the vaccines you gave her, stating that it is only used if the pup has been in an extremely filthy location. I was NOT looking for a "cheap puppy" just one that was WORTH the $1500 we spent! So point being, YOU NEVER ONE TIME told us that WE had to pay for the papers for Gabby, you said, "I will send you her papers in the mail as soon as I get them." Not, "I will send you the APPLICATION for the papers in the mail." And about you taking pride in your customer service, I have seen MANY things online between your website and Facebook where you bash your clients for asking simple questions instead of being a professional adult and taking RESPONSIBILITIES for YOUR mistakes!! And you HAVE been VERY snippy and rude in almost EVERY email you have sent me, instead of educating me RESPECTFULLY and OWNING up to when YOU are WRONG! So I paid $1500 for MY dog that I STILL have to pay to register her. That was NEVER ONCE mentioned to me AT ALL. I am done with Guardian Rottweilers, we won't be needing your services, and I won't be recommending anyone to Guardian Rottweilers. alice velasquez 7/29/13 to jenna I really wish it was not 1:am as I hate to go back and forth like this over e-mail :( Some of your e-mail, I can see your point on, where as some of it has me totally baffled :( Not sure what vaccination your vet was referring to?? The vaccinations my vet gives are STANDARD- DHPP recommended by ALL VETS for PUPPIES- and no vaccinations have ANYTHING to do with sanitary living conditions :( And I am also sorry that she developed a urinary tract infection. But no, she did not have that "ever since you got her" as I have both her check-up from my vet as well as an e-mail from you stating that she started having discharge some time after you got her and after she already had a great check-up with your vet weeks prior. [Her UTI was] an issue which you failed to follow up on at the time [she presented with symptoms] due to finances- and undoubtedly could have caused further complications :( All puppies are born with worms which is why my vet has me on a very expensive and very thorough deworming program and why we run a stool sample on all our pups before they go home as well. We have stayed in great contact with all her littermates and none of them have had any issues at all- health or otherwise. I did indeed apologize for everything on multiple occasions- phone and email. And I can assure you it was not lack of respect! It was not lack of respect for you that made me clear my Friday schedule when you said you were coming on Friday; and it was not lack of respect that made me keep my friend waiting as long as I could. But first, I did not leave you alone with my daughter as my husband was there too. Second, she is not a ***- she is 14 and quite competent. I apologized for not being there when you showed up, profoundly and I apologized for any miscommunications. But most importantly, I have NEVER called you a liar :( And I am sorrowful that you feel that way :( I was between a rock and hard place and thought I could run and pick him up and be back before you got here and it just turned into a fiasco. But I have apologized for that over and over and have even asked you how I could repair those hurt feelings, and I made sure to accurately and thoroughly answer any and all questions you have had. I have NEVER belittled a client and have always treated them with respect. On my website and my facebook post when I vent, it has NEVER been over one of my clients- EVER and I have ALWAYS made time to answer questions EVEN from people that are not my clients and EVEN about breeds other than Rottweilers- the only time I vent is when someone has been rude or disrespectful to me or the breed and EVEN THEN I take the time to explain everything- but AGAIN, I emphasize, I have NEVER posted ANYTHING about ANY OF MY CLIENTS! I am sorry you feel that I have "shoved down your throat" what I do with my dogs/pups. That was never my intension. As I said, I am so very proud of what we do and how far I have come. But it is NOT a sales pitch! You were here! You saw the facility I have- nearly half a million dollars spent on it thus far! Happy to show you all receipts, plus my vet, training, travel, etc. receipts! I do not need a sales pitch because my puppies, my dogs and my bloodlines speak for themselves. A farmer having cheaper, better pups? If he has spent the money on vet bills, health clearances, training, titling, DNA, etc. that I have, NO WAY! Now if he has some cheap dog that he got from the paper and never invested in and bred to another cheap male, then sure, I am certain he can sell his pups at a fraction of the cost and still make a great profit. Bottom line is I sold you a beautiful, quality puppy from EXCEPTIONAL bloodlines that was near perfect for a pet price simply because the ears were set a bit high. I would LOVE to see photos of her now to see how she is doing with that! And I have from the beginning offered to walk you through taping should that become necessary and will even tape them for you. If the farmer had a whole litter of puppies without any faults- I would really like to see that!! An entire litter with no bad bites, no light eyes, no light gums, no tails carried or set incorrectly, no muddy markings, none lacking fill in the zygomatic arch, all muzzles at 40/60 ratio, all front and rear angles correct, all top and bottom lines correct, etc. I would be extremely interested in them- especially their pedigree! Would be awesome to know what lines he bred to produce a fault-free litter! As far as sending you the papers- that is EXACTLY what I did. I APPLIED for and PAID for every single registration paper I mailed. The new owner then registers that puppy to him/her. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Even if I already had the puppy registered to me, you would still have to pay AKC to get the puppy transferred to you. That is simply how AKC works! I do not really understand where the confusion or accusations are on that. I feel like we got off to a rocky start from the day you picked up Gabby. I have tried so very hard every opportunity I have had since then to try and mend that. I cannot keep up with the phone calls and e-mails I currently get asking for puppies. I have to turn away more clients than I take because I simply do not have time to do interviews every day. Whether or not you recommend Guardian Rottweilers is not why I have continued to repair my relationship with you. I will continue to have more clients than I can serve either way. I have tried to fix things 1) because it is the correct thing to do and 2) because you have one of my puppies and that means a lot to me. If you truly feel that the hurt feelings are too much and you want nothing more to do with me, then I understand that and will ask only that you please keep me updated on Gabby as she is very important to me. However, if there is any chance of us sitting together woman to woman and getting past all of this, I would love to take you out for coffee or dinner or breakfast or whatever and get past this. I have never had such a rough go at a puppy adoption! And whether you believe it or not, it truly eats at me :( I do take a lot of pride in what I do and I do give myself heart and soul to these dogs and puppies. I meant what I said in my last e-mail- I did want you to see where I was coming from and how I felt, but I was not trying to be nasty or shove anything at anyone. No matter what you decide to do, I wish nothing but the best for you and my beautiful Gabby. God Bless, Alice jenna jones 10/23/13 to me Every time Gabby stands up from laying down, she whines like she's in pain, and she walks like she's favoring her back legs. Is this a sign of hip displaysia already at 6 months of age? We are still feeding her Fromm and she doesn't get table scraps. My vet tech told me it is very expensive to have her tested for hip displaysia. Thought I would ask you first. alice velasquez 10/23/13 to jenna Hello Jenna, I have not heard from you in awhile. How are you? At this age, it is more likely to be Panosteitis, or growing pains. http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/panosteitis-in-dogs/1051 Growing pains are unfortunately not uncommon in large breed growing puppies and are most common between 5-18 months of age. The intermittent pain can shift from one leg to another or come and go until she finishes growing at 2 years of age. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot that you can do for the growing pains- just like when kids get it. Both of my sons had growing pains from about 2-4 years of age and when they would wake up crying, I usually massaged their legs or put some ice packs. Of course with large breed dogs, anytime there is joint discomfort, you want to be sure it is not anything serious. I am not sure why your veterinarian indicated that testing for hip dysplasia was expensive? The only thing necessary is to get an x-ray of the hips. It is, however, not as easy to diagnose at this age as the hip joints are not done growing- meaning that luxation or shallow sockets can simply be underdeveloped hips rather than hip dysplasia. I have a page on my website that talks a bit more about hip dysplasia. It is good information to have, but as I said, much more likely to be growing pains at this age. http://www.guardianrottweilers.com/the-rottweiler/health/chd/ How are you and Gabby doing other than the bone discomfort? How is her training coming along? I hope everything is going well for you, and please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Best Regards, Alice
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