5 Dec, 2018 → by ClaimboUser574195
Anyone that ever contacts you ( me ) to sell anything I didn’t inquire about is automatically sent to the do not trust bin. If I need or want a service I will contact them not other way around

Got an email from the scammer from downloading a free Horoscope app. that wouldn't even give a general Horoscope until it had email address and it also requested birthday ect. . I never use correct information but in this case gave right month but wrong day and year because accurate information of date of birth is step one for identity frauds. Was aware that this type of scam starts by askin or telling people information that is applicable to most people being general in nature but may be taken as if they know you. I did take time to read entire BS from top to bottom because i could use a laugh. It started as " FREE " as many do but then stated that since i didn't respond to first email he cut price in half, lol gee thanks. At the bottom of his BS letter it has the normal policy/ agreement clauses. With things of this nature for additional laughs i clicked and read on. Yes it says you can get a refund but only for " goods " but not for " services and or downloaded information because it may be copied " guess what, it is all downloaded, also must abide by his local law for all court type issues. He lives in Gibraltar so you would need to go there for any law suit. Also worth mentioning that the minute you send money anywhere outside US borders you have no legal grounds or control on those funds. And always always use reviews people, always. Keep in mind that some of the positive reviews are fake sent from individual or company being reviewed, some of the worst reviews may be from folks that used product or item incorrectly, so throw out top and bottom reviews as a rule, however, when you see a multitude of responses that are the same in nature making sure they aren't clones of each other, that is the same as buying and using products yourself without costs because others tried it for you. In this case as mentioned, he simply uses general guidelines that apply to us all and our minds will fill in the blanks giving the illusion of being personal. Again, if you're in the market for something then you will reach out to someone in that field and you will call or contact them. When someone calls you they are trying to push that product on you, immediately be on guard, if you find yourself interested anyway then before committing or agree to anything for your own good use the tools you have at hand, the internet!!! Just type in the name of company selling product with the word reviews after it, then do same thing with the product itself. Also look this company up so you can call them, while you do this step check them out at the better business bureau. Folks, just use tools like the internet you have at your disposal, never agree to anything on first contact always take a day or two to think about it and use common sense. Look them up ans research them because chances are they may have taken the time and used the same tools to research YOU!!!!! As always " buyers beware "!! This is my take and opinion of good old MR CHRIS Run away, keep your cash Also hate giving credit card numbers to someone you never met, someone that contacted you out of the blue, a company you never heard of however THEY SEEM TO KNOW A LOT ABOUT YOU!!!??? Hhhhmmm gives you pause n makes you think doesn't it? Or is that just me, lol. Oh ya in policy part of his letter ( add ) he or they state and to use this site you agree and give your permission, that they may sell, share and give your information to any and all of their partners, associates, affiliates and pretty much anyone they want to. Now if that's not a reason to do research, run away then maybe you do need help, but not his.
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