Bad Employee Attitudes and Service
Once again, I face really deplorable employee attitudes towards customers: 1) The man in the picture and the cashier Samanta, who served me at the cash register, whisper to each other and laugh at something. When I ask about something, the following tone follows - is it your drink? (a drink or a bottle stood in a sweater pocket and was bought before, but I thought I would also like to buy popcorn). I replied that both of me and I laughed, which means that the employees are making fun of and trying to accuse the customer of "allegedly" stealing, but previously the same girl sold me this drink. I took pictures of both of them, but the picture did not arrive, but the person in this picture noticed it and came to my audience, after which he no longer laughed and anxiously tried to reach the common denominator, because he was afraid that it would be published somewhere. Who is to blame, it's funky : ) 2) I had not visited this place for a long time, but recently I went again and encountered the negative attitude of the employees again. Before the session, I took popcorn and went to have a drink. When I filled the drink, I left the popcorn and the drink there and went to the candy stand a meter further away, and it didn't take even 3 minutes when the employee was present and took my popcorn and the drink. I came and said that it was mine, which was followed by an answer in the form of an order: “then you don't have to leave where it happens! ”(Ascending tone with inverted facial expression). Normal?! Absolutely not! Forumcinema employees treat customers like dogs and clowns that are ridiculed and treated unworthily! These two situations are an example of this!