86 075583987177
No.3 plate,no.2 industrial youfu,longhua Street,
Bao An Distr
China – 518000
Complaints & Reviews — Shenzhen Bencse Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
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Inadequate action
Inadequate action. It seems to me that no one has taught this person to communicate with people. But I said they won't get anything. I quote them to the defendant: - 1) Debt collection companies and also a non-bank creditor may not take any active action against the debtor's property and funds. 2) Only bailiffs have the right to carry out visits, seizures of property, by which debtors often recover from debtors in their own letters, according to a court decision. 3) When making calls, debt collectors are prohibited from using forms of aggressive communication (including making threats and engaging in activities that violate gender, age, racial or ethnic origin and security, religious, political or other confidence, disability, social origin and property or family status, as well as sexual orientation) but unfortunately they do not understand it. Do they already know that there are about 800, 000 debtors in Europe? And from each they will not recover the amount they want.