You are complaining here that if you look bad then I will explain to you the cost of, for example, Optus. I was a customer of Optus - I recently switched to izz, because my izv representative convinced me that it would be cheaper. At that time I called all the companies, no one offered internet and television together, only Optus, I also ordered, one decoder that I had to buy was about 30ls ok I bought on another decoder, 100ls - that is if you immediately pay, if the cost is around 150ls, then came thrown like a dog, if you want his fitter to connect, then another 35ls, i found a master who for 15ls does it, bill about 36ls contract for 18 months 36lsx18, when 18 months passed I asked for a discount, but they offered me a discount of 3ls, but the contract must be concluded for another 18 months. Optus also sometimes hung up on the quality of television, and their cable was not pulled in very nicely. Optus doesn't show tv 3 because vivi can't agree with tv3 on the sex channels i didn't have at that price. Now my house offers a snapshot online snapshot download free, decoders all free, cable nicely retracted, contract for 24 months the first 3 months free then 15. 50ls per month programs also much better, the quality can not complain if ever occasionally tore - its price refutes everything. Plus, that price includes a good sex channel and more.